Posts tagged biblically responsible investing
God-Centered Investing - Part II

What IS God-centered investing? Can you have a God-honoring portfolio that DOES make money? You sure can. Learn more about the merits of Biblically-Responsible Investing (BRI) from Luke Andrews. He uncovers the nitty-gritty of why this method is more than just good for your bank account – it’s gold for your eternal life as well.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews
Ministry/Workplace: Inspire Advisors

God-Centered Investing - Part I

Does God care about money? Does He care about how you invest your money? Hear about a fairly new concept called Biblically-Responsible Investing (BRI). A trusted advisor friend of ours, Luke Andrews, discusses why this method is more than just good for your bank account – it’s good for your eternal life as well.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews
Ministry/Workplace: Inspire Advisors

A High Impact Life and Business

Most people look at investments as only economical, but Pete Ochs’ company Capital III focuses on the economic, social, and spiritual aspects. Pete’s holistic view of investment impact has led to some fantastic innovations for several of his other companies. Pete’s story should inspire us to ask God how He wants us to innovate for economic, social, and spiritual flourishing!

During a lawsuit, Pete read Proverbs 6, and God pierced his heart to humble himself before the opposition. When God used his obedience and the scripture to turn the situation around, Pete learned how applicable the Bible is in our daily work. Fast forward to today, where one of Pete’s companies is running a manufacturing plant in medium and high-security prisons and seeing lives restored through the three aspects we mentioned earlier. When an inmate receives fair wages, community, and biblical guidance, there is no limit to what God can do!

Pete recently released a book bundle called, A high impact LIFE, that he is offering to our listeners at a 10% discount with coupon code: IWORK4HIM

Guests: Pete Ochs

Ministry/ Workplace: High Impact LIFE & High Impact Business; Capital III

YouTube Video


No Matter What You Do...

How do you honor God with your money? Find out from two financial dynamos: Luke Andrews and Dave Kruis, BRI experts (Biblical Responsible Investing) – do YOU know about that yet? Don’t let your portfolio miss out…

Featured Guests: Luke Andrews & Dave Kruis
Ministry/Workplace: Belleair Wealth Management & Inspire Advisors

Eternal Investments
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Our good friend from Inspire Advisors is back, and he has a transformational story to share. When we started iWork4Him 8 ½ years ago, Luke Andrews asked to be a part of what we were doing. Little did he know how God would use that decision to help change the trajectory of his life. Luke is here today to talk with us not only about Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) but also how God, a book, and a radio show, changed his heart and his business model.

If you sense a change on the wind in your own life, you won’t want to miss this episode on transitions and trust and how BRI can shift the war on Christianity in America today.

Guests: Luke Andrews

Ministry/ Workplace: Inspire Advisors

YouTube Video Interview

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An Example Of A Good Disruption
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When Luke Andrews was first introduced to the idea of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) he did his homework, started praying, and learning more about its purpose.  Eventually God led Luke to solely represent only BRI.  Sometimes, when God teaches us a new truth it can disrupt our work.  Luke is an example of a good disruption.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI)

The Investments We Make Matter
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Luke Andrews – the Inspired Advisor himself – was back for some more hard-hitting financial advice; specifically, he broke down the importance of paying attention to how we invest. Your invested money can make a Kingdom impact – and also the converse. Learn how to make your money matter.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: iInvest4Him

Kingdom-Minded Investing
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What you don’t know about your financial portfolio could not only hurt you and your bottom line, but there’s a decent chance that it’s having a negative effect on the Kingdom. And that’s where Luke Andrews steps in. Hear him tout more the merits of the BRI Movement – and learn why you and your pocketbook need to make the switch to this man of Godly finances.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: iInvest4Him

Money Matters
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The Inspired Advisor himself, Luke Andrews, made massive money matters digestible, understandable and, well, kinda fun! Learn about retirement, required mimimum distributions and IRAs, PLUS get a healthy dose of insight on Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) with Luke as he helps you save time, money and, believe it or not, our World.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: Inspire Advisors

Making Your Capital Work for You

Long-time friend and owner of Nepsis Capital, Mark Pearson, joins Jim to talk about their personal and business relationship, how Mark works to keep Christ at the center of his investment decisions, and how that financial paradigm is imperative for financial success.

We all know that money is a hot button issue – one that everyone has an opinion on! It can be confusing to know how much to invest, where to invest, and how start. Tune in to this show to hear from Mark about biblical investing practices, stewardship, and how to have wisdom and discernment in your financial practices so that you can become a good steward of your resources! 

Featured Guests:  Mark Pearson

 Ministry/Workplace: Nepsis Capital