Posts tagged money
Know Yourself Know Your Money
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Money has a way of twisting us. It has a way of taking over and driving us crazy. If we don’t manage our money, it can manage us. If we don’t put parameters around our money, we can lose sleep and peace and it could damage our most important earthly relationships. In order to manage your money in a way that reflects Christ in us, whether this is at home or in our work life, we need to first know and understand the attitudes and actions in our life surrounding how we handle money. Second, we need to be knowing where our money is going. Rachel Cruze is back with another best selling book, Know Yourself, Know your money. She is going to pull all this together for us so that no matter where we are or what we are doing, our faith, our work and our money are all tied to Jesus in us.

Rachel Cruze grew up as the middle child of Dave Ramsey.  Her father’s job was to talk about money, debt, and helping people to become debt free.  He also talked about Jesus in their home.  Rachel shares on the air and in her new book, Know Yourself, Know your Money about the impact our upbringing has on how we handle money. 

It was quite a shock to Rachel when she discovered that not everyone looks at money the say way she does.  In fact, she could see that there were some distinct differences in how households talked and handled money and how this directly impacts our response to money.  80% of what we do is from observation, and only 20% is from head knowledge.  Imagine if we all took the time to know ourselves and how it relates to handling our money. 

Throughout her new book, Know Yourself, Know your Money – Rachel Cruze shares insights and helpful direction to a healthier perspective.  Winston and Rachel have been married for 11 years and are exact opposites for their money tendencies.  As each couple struggles with merging finances and having financial harmony, Rachels’ book is a great help to a successful, healthy approach.  Imagine how healthy the next generation could be if their homes do a better job dealing with money in a secure environment.  We are giving away a copy of her book on our listener line:  866-713-9675

Featured Guests: Rachel Cruze

Ministry/Workplace: Personal Finance Expert with Ramsey Solutions & author of Know Yourself, Know Your Money

YouTube Video Interview

Luke Andrews Talking Lottery or Sensible Investing With a Biblical Perspective
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Ever bought a lottery ticket?  You hope and pray and then the Powerball numbers fly by on the screen and you lose once again.  Where does that money go? How is it invested?  Is playing the lottery really the best way to build wealth?  Hopefully you just said no.  Investing in well run businesses is the best way to grow your money and get a good return. But how will they invest the dollars you give to them?  That’s what biblically responsible investing is all about.

At iWork4Him we believe that Biblically Responsible Investing is a huge win for the Kingdom of God and Luke Andrews is here to help us invest our dollars the best way, to honor God in the Process.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: Inspire Advisors

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Checking Under The Hood
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You wouldn’t buy a used lawn mower without making sure it works, you wouldn’t buy a home without a home inspection and you wouldn’t buy a used car without checking under the hood so why is it we invest in our 401k or 403b or an IRA without checking to see what it is invested in?  I have no idea but I do know that this can be a dangerous and slippery slope – it’s like eating sausage without knowing what was put in it, as long as it’s all ground up, it looks good but who knows what’s really in it. Could it kill you? Probably not if its cooked but it could make you sick. The same with your 401k or 403 b – what its invested in probably won’t kill you but it could make you sick. Talking with us today to clear up any confusion is Luke Andrews with and Inspire Advisors. How we do our work is a direct reflection of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. How we invest HIS money should be that way as well.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: iInvest4Him - Inspire Advisors

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Where You Put Your Money Makes A Difference
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For too long and way too often, we, the church, have invested in companies that give to organizations that are completely against everything we stand for. These companies take their profits and fund non-profits who are actively trying to destroy Christianity. The voice of the everyday believer is in danger of being silenced forever and most of us are funding it through our investment dollars.

We’re speaking with Luke Andrews with Inspire Advisors and about biblically responsible investing which is storming the nation as Christ followers move their money to great investments that aren’t funding the opposition plan of destruction for Christianity.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: Inspire Advisors &

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Let God Transform Your Mind, Even With Investing
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Stop following the ways of the world and let God transform you by renewing your mind and changing the way you think, even when it comes to retirement and investing! We’re talking with Luke Andrews of Inspire Advisors about Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) & why he became a financial advisor.

Do you know where your investments are going? Do you know where your return is coming from? Biblically Responsible Investing is all about connecting your values to your investments, so that you don’t have to worry if your resources are supporting things that go against Christ’s heart. Tune in today to find out more about how you can use your investments to further the Kingdom of God!

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: Inspire Advisors

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Remain Away, The Herd Mentality
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Luke Andrews calms our financial fears swirling amidst this Covid-19 Pandemic, dropping knowledge nuggets like this great Dave Ramsey quote: “The only people who get hurt in roller coasters are those who jump off”. You and your finances NEED to hear Luke’s pragmatic approach to operating within our new reality.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: Inspire Advisors

The Investments We Make Matter
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Luke Andrews – the Inspired Advisor himself – was back for some more hard-hitting financial advice; specifically, he broke down the importance of paying attention to how we invest. Your invested money can make a Kingdom impact – and also the converse. Learn how to make your money matter.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: iInvest4Him

Kingdom-Minded Investing
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What you don’t know about your financial portfolio could not only hurt you and your bottom line, but there’s a decent chance that it’s having a negative effect on the Kingdom. And that’s where Luke Andrews steps in. Hear him tout more the merits of the BRI Movement – and learn why you and your pocketbook need to make the switch to this man of Godly finances.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: iInvest4Him

Love, God And Accounting
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Eric Wenger is making that trip to the CPA much less intimidating, and much more God-filled. Hear about it now, as he’s a part of our broadcasts from Lancaster – all thanks to our friend, Don Hoover – and he talked about his love for numbers, order and, of course, Jesus.

Featured Guest: Eric Wenger & Don Hoover

Workplace / Ministry: The Pocket Testament League - Business Community Network

Money Matters
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The Inspired Advisor himself, Luke Andrews, made massive money matters digestible, understandable and, well, kinda fun! Learn about retirement, required mimimum distributions and IRAs, PLUS get a healthy dose of insight on Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) with Luke as he helps you save time, money and, believe it or not, our World.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: Inspire Advisors