The "Secular" is Sacred

Why is it we look at some jobs and label them sacred, and we look at other jobs and call them secular? Does God look at jobs one way or the other? Does He look down His nose at some jobs, calling them secular and lift up other jobs in His arms and say these are sacred?  I don’t think He does. I believe God has created all work for His glory and for the betterment of humanity.  

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Jim Brangenberg
Pressure Washing Pastor

I think it comes down to this one thing: can you be a pressure-washing expert and a pastor, too? Is there a ministry in pressure washing people's stuff? 
Honestly, I think we make Christianity way too complicated. God never told us to quit our jobs and go into full-time ministry. He said, through Jesus, “As you go, teach them everything I have taught you, make disciples, and baptize them in my name” (Matthew 28:19). The answer is pretty clear. You can be a professional pressure washer and be a pastor, too. 

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Jim Brangenberg
A Permanent Paradigm Shift

Welcome to 2024! This is the year where it all changes. Oh, sure, political things are going on this year, but that change is only temporary. The permanent change is happening in you this year. What kind of change are we looking for? The kind of change that could transform the world. The kind of change that could reshape you from the inside out.  The kind of change that can convert your workplace into a mission field and into a place of ministry. That's the kind of change we're talking about — a permanent paradigm shift in your mind. 

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Jim Brangenberg
2024-Style Thinking

Shifting our thinking.  

Changing the way we think.  

Renewing our minds.  

All of these things imply that the way we are currently thinking needs to change. And I agree. 

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Jim Brangenberg
A Christmas Challenge

This is Christmas week! How will you live out your faith differently this Christmas season than you have in the past? You see, God has placed you on a mission field in your workplace. You’re surrounded by people who don’t celebrate Christmas as Jesus’ birthday, and some of them don’t even celebrate Christmas at all. So, how can you shift your impact to ensure that those around you will experience a little bit of Jesus this Christmas season? 

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Jim Brangenberg
The Non-Denominational Church in the Marketplace

Denominations ‘shmominations. Were denominations Jesus’ idea? NO! Of course not. He wanted us to walk in unity as He said in John 17:20-23. I have seen incredible unity in the body of Christ out in the marketplace. On Sunday, we are the most segregated and separated people on the planet. But nobody cares about denominations on Monday mornings when we go to work.

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Jim Brangenberg
Protect Your Workplace Mission Field

The internet has brought so many incredible resources to the fingertips of everyday people across the globe. It makes it easier for us to do our jobs, and it makes it easier for us to communicate with people. Frankly, I find it amazing how easy it is to research and study Scripture. But with all that good comes a lot of bad, too. How do we protect those we love at home and those we love at work from the dangers of the internet? 

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Jim Brangenberg
The Miracle of the Bible Being Taught at School

The public school system was founded to ensure every child got a basic education, teaching them math, reading, and writing. The Bible was the basis for almost all of the reading materials. Prayer was a common part of the everyday public-school experience, as well as the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. Patriotism, loyalty, and service to God were woven throughout the curriculum. As you can imagine, things are quite different today.  

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Jim Brangenberg
Money Talks

Money talks. And we know that when money walks, it actually talks louder. Do the retailers that you use on a regular basis support your values, your morals, and your patriotism? 30 or 40 years ago, we never even had to have this conversation, but today, this is a critical conversation

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Jim Brangenberg
Thanksgiving: A Time for Neighboring

Thanksgiving isn't just a time for eating turkey and stuffing and pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving is a holiday where we celebrate with thanks all that God has given us during the year. The pilgrims and the Native Americans celebrated together because they were grateful for the bounty and the new friends that God had given them. How do you celebrate this holiday? Can we offer up a fresh suggestion for your Thanksgiving this year?

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Jim Brangenberg