Posts tagged identity
Ep 2040: The Christian Woman Resource You’ve Been Waiting For

Writer, coach, and businesswoman Peggy Bodde joins this iWork4Him Podcast episode to encourage Christian working women to use their God-given talents and abilities in the marketplace. She opens up about her own past doubts navigating a corporate leadership role while being a Christian. The work that she does can be summed up as help that she wishes she had earlier as a woman in the marketplace.  

Our work – and every part of our lives – is sacred because we bring God into those spaces. That’s the key message of this conversation and of Peggy’s new book, Sacred Work. It’s written specifically for women and serves as a handy reference guide for tons of different work dilemmas and circumstances. To get to know Peggy even better (which we recommend because she’s a gem!), check out her previous sheWorks4Him Podcast interview


Shout out to a couple of incredible companies that help make this episode happen: 

SaferNet is your answer to computer and smart phone security at home and work. The SaferNet VPN includes internet controls, antivirus protection, and 84 website filters – sign up today to get protection you can count on. 

Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative mobile carrier, supporting faith, family, and freedom. Stop giving money to businesses that support antibiblical agendas; make the switch to Patriot Mobile. 

Featuring: Peggy Bodde

Ministry/ Workplace: Sacred Work

iWork4Him, Awaken Podcast Network, PodcastJim Brangenbergfaith and work, resources, testimony, iWork4Him, work is worship, workplace ministry, workplace missions, discipleship, prayer, intercession, business leaders, leadership, event, devotional, resource, inspiration, book, training, discount, couples, marriage, priorities, Kingdom perspective, Follower of One, mission trip, marketplace, participate, christian women, women at work, celebrate women, women leaders, working women, mentoring, mentorship, accountability, advice, relationships, retirement, retirement reformation, generations, planning, ministry, family, marriage advice, marriage problems, quality time, family time, work, appreciation at work, assessment, thanksgiving, neighbor, neighboring, thankfulness, loneliness, Kingdom business, values, BRI, Patriot Mobile, Kingdom culture, affiliate, public schools, Bible, teachers, students, release time programs, internet safety, sponsor, cybersecurity, vpn, virus protection, unity, Christian chamber, marketplace workers, networking, coworkers, neighbors, paradigm shift, reflection, I Work with Him, iWorkWithHim, business as mission, When Jesus Calls, supernatural business, entrepreneur, pastor, shepherd, God talks, author, faith at work, events, military, faith integration, finance, women in business, customer care, Polished Network, women, Women in the Marketplace, collaboration, SaferNet, USCCC, abiding, balance, Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs, groups, G7, LinkedIn, diversity, Lifework, Dallas, Jacksonville, transformation, job search, tradition, conservative, DEI, CEO, spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, coaching, practical faith, revival, tent revival, identity, work excellence, iWork4Him Nation, South Africa, supernatural, marketplace faith, fostering, adoption, calling, vocation, Pennsylvania, social work, sacred, Christian women, women in leadership
Ep 2039: Be the Answer to the Foster Care Crisis

This second show on getting involved in foster care (check out the first show too) is so practical and inspiring! It challenges workplace believers and retirees alike to flip the foster care system on its head – in a good way. About 90% of foster parents quit within 2 years due to the overwhelming challenges. But you and your church can be the reason these families choose to keep fostering. 

Imagine a designated team bringing meals, chauffeuring kids, or providing childcare – a lifeline for foster families. This is an opportunity especially for retired folks who have the time and experience to lend a hand. Cindy shares stories and ideas that we pray will leave you answering the question: “What is my something that I can contribute?” 

Here are some simple ways to present care communities/wraparound grandparenting to your church:  

  • Take the general idea and examples to your church leaders; offer to be an advocate for foster support 

  • Send this episode link to your pastor and others who would be interested in helping out 

  • Find resources from Promise686, a training organization that Cindy mentions in the episode 

  • Connect with Cindy at, especially if you’re in PA

As supporters of the podcast, check out the Kingdom-minded businesses that iWork4Him has “adopted:” 

  • SaferNet : VPN, website filters, antivirus, and internet controls in one easy to use app 

  • Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative cell phone company. Make the switch today!  

  • ePaymints : payment processing with ease and with biblical principles  

Featuring: Cindy King

Ministry/ Workplace: Keystone Family Alliance

iWork4Him, Awaken Podcast Network, PodcastJim Brangenbergfaith and work, resources, testimony, iWork4Him, work is worship, workplace ministry, workplace missions, discipleship, prayer, intercession, business leaders, leadership, event, devotional, resource, inspiration, book, training, discount, couples, marriage, priorities, Kingdom perspective, Follower of One, mission trip, marketplace, participate, christian women, women at work, celebrate women, women leaders, working women, mentoring, mentorship, accountability, advice, relationships, retirement, retirement reformation, generations, planning, ministry, family, marriage advice, marriage problems, quality time, family time, work, appreciation at work, assessment, thanksgiving, neighbor, neighboring, thankfulness, loneliness, Kingdom business, values, BRI, Patriot Mobile, Kingdom culture, affiliate, public schools, Bible, teachers, students, release time programs, internet safety, sponsor, cybersecurity, vpn, virus protection, unity, Christian chamber, marketplace workers, networking, coworkers, neighbors, paradigm shift, reflection, I Work with Him, iWorkWithHim, business as mission, When Jesus Calls, supernatural business, entrepreneur, pastor, shepherd, God talks, author, faith at work, events, military, faith integration, finance, women in business, customer care, Polished Network, women, Women in the Marketplace, collaboration, SaferNet, USCCC, abiding, balance, Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs, groups, G7, LinkedIn, diversity, Lifework, Dallas, Jacksonville, transformation, job search, tradition, conservative, DEI, CEO, spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, coaching, practical faith, revival, tent revival, identity, work excellence, iWork4Him Nation, South Africa, supernatural, marketplace faith, fostering, adoption, calling, vocation, Pennsylvania, social work
Ep 2038: Make Each Day Sacred

Enjoy another “mic flip” where Jim and Martha are the ones being interviewed!  

This time they chat with South African Faith & Work enthusiast Bill Hollis. This conversation is chocked full of wisdom and emphasizes that God has equipped individuals with specific gifts and talents to fulfill their roles in the workplace, no matter where they are or what they do. Jim was able to share the iWork4Him Nation Covenant, advocating for incorporating faith into daily work routines through prayer, serving others, building authentic relationships, and maintaining excellence.  

The trio took some time to highlight the significance of celebrating and empowering Christian working women, acknowledging their spiritual giftings and contributions to the marketplace. Transformation happens when we bring Kingdom principles into the workplace! Expect the supernatural when you carry out your mission "as you go" in your everyday work environment.

Jim and Martha recently made changes in their own lives to support Kingdom businesses. Check out the businesses for yourself: 

  • SaferNet wants to make sure you, your family, and your business are kept safe from the dangers that lurk on your computers, tablets, and phones. With a VPN, antivirus software, and internet filters, SaferNet is the affordable, reliable option to protect your digital world.  

  • Patriot Mobile offers an alternative to the major mobile carriers but with the same great service. Support faith, family, and freedom by switching your phone service to Patriot Mobile. Use the iWork4Him link for free activation.  

  • ePaymints is set apart from other payment processors because they don’t support antibiblical agendas and have an excellent focus on you, the customer!

Featuring: Bill Hollis

Ministry/ Workplace: Marketplace, A Kingdom Perspective

iWork4Him, Awaken Podcast Network, PodcastJim Brangenbergfaith and work, resources, testimony, iWork4Him, work is worship, workplace ministry, workplace missions, discipleship, prayer, intercession, business leaders, leadership, event, devotional, resource, inspiration, book, training, discount, couples, marriage, priorities, Kingdom perspective, Follower of One, mission trip, marketplace, participate, christian women, women at work, celebrate women, women leaders, working women, mentoring, mentorship, accountability, advice, relationships, retirement, retirement reformation, generations, planning, ministry, family, marriage advice, marriage problems, quality time, family time, work, appreciation at work, assessment, thanksgiving, neighbor, neighboring, thankfulness, loneliness, Kingdom business, values, BRI, Patriot Mobile, Kingdom culture, affiliate, public schools, Bible, teachers, students, release time programs, internet safety, sponsor, cybersecurity, vpn, virus protection, unity, Christian chamber, marketplace workers, networking, coworkers, neighbors, paradigm shift, reflection, I Work with Him, iWorkWithHim, business as mission, When Jesus Calls, supernatural business, entrepreneur, pastor, shepherd, God talks, author, faith at work, events, military, faith integration, finance, women in business, customer care, Polished Network, women, Women in the Marketplace, collaboration, SaferNet, USCCC, abiding, balance, Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs, groups, G7, LinkedIn, diversity, Lifework, Dallas, Jacksonville, transformation, job search, tradition, conservative, DEI, CEO, spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, coaching, practical faith, revival, tent revival, identity, work excellence, iWork4Him Nation, South Africa, supernatural, marketplace faith
Ep 2037: Our Collective Call to Care

Get a high-level overview of fostering with Jim & Martha Brangenberg. They are joined by Cindy King, Equipping Director at Keystone Family Alliance in Pennsylvania. Cindy shares her personal journey into fostering, influenced by her upbringing and her husband's involvement as a foster care case worker. The conversation delves into the challenges of fostering and adoption. Since the government is not great at parenting, it's imperative that the Church steps up to care for the widows and orphans, as expressed many times in God’s Word. 

Cindy sheds light on the dire state of the foster care system nationwide, emphasizing the urgent need for support and advocacy within communities. One big issue she’s seen firsthand is high caseworker turnover and reminds us that caseworkers need our support too. Studies show that with every change in caseworker, the chances of a child leaving the foster care system get slimmer and slimmer.  

Fostering is a specific calling but caring for children in the foster care system is a mandate from God. Listen and pray about how you can get involved in fostering or supporting foster families. 

As supporters of the podcast, check out the Kingdom-minded businesses that iWork4Him has “adopted:” 

  • SaferNet : VPN, website filters, antivirus, and internet controls in one easy to use app 

  • Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative cell phone company. Make the switch today!  

  • ePaymints : payment processing with ease and with biblical principles

Featuring: Cindy King

Ministry/ Workplace: Keystone Family Alliance

iWork4Him, Awaken Podcast Network, PodcastJim Brangenbergfaith and work, resources, testimony, iWork4Him, work is worship, workplace ministry, workplace missions, discipleship, prayer, intercession, business leaders, leadership, event, devotional, resource, inspiration, book, training, discount, couples, marriage, priorities, Kingdom perspective, Follower of One, mission trip, marketplace, participate, christian women, women at work, celebrate women, women leaders, working women, mentoring, mentorship, accountability, advice, relationships, retirement, retirement reformation, generations, planning, ministry, family, marriage advice, marriage problems, quality time, family time, work, appreciation at work, assessment, thanksgiving, neighbor, neighboring, thankfulness, loneliness, Kingdom business, values, BRI, Patriot Mobile, Kingdom culture, affiliate, public schools, Bible, teachers, students, release time programs, internet safety, sponsor, cybersecurity, vpn, virus protection, unity, Christian chamber, marketplace workers, networking, coworkers, neighbors, paradigm shift, reflection, I Work with Him, iWorkWithHim, business as mission, When Jesus Calls, supernatural business, entrepreneur, pastor, shepherd, God talks, author, faith at work, events, military, faith integration, finance, women in business, customer care, Polished Network, women, Women in the Marketplace, collaboration, SaferNet, USCCC, abiding, balance, Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs, groups, G7, LinkedIn, diversity, Lifework, Dallas, Jacksonville, transformation, job search, tradition, conservative, DEI, CEO, spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, coaching, practical faith, revival, tent revival, identity, work excellence, iWork4Him Nation, South Africa, supernatural, marketplace faith, fostering, adoption, calling, vocation, Pennsylvania, social work
Ep 2036: An Identity Reevaluation

In this episode of iWork4Him, Jim and Martha Brangenberg shake things up by tossing out the idea that work and ministry are separate worlds. Nope, they're all about bringing faith right into the 9-to-5 grind! You’ll hear about why it’s so important to have a correct view of your identity as a believer on assignment, living with Jesus at the center in every part of your life.  

Your job is way more than just a paycheck – it's a mission field where God wants to use your unique talents, gifts, and abilities to minister to others. From praying for your coworkers by name to going the extra mile in service, it’s all about bringing Jesus into your workplace. The iWork4Him Nation Covenant is a great guide for doing this. Plus, they give some tips on how to be a workplace superstar, since excellence is part of the deal when you're repping Jesus. So, if you're ready to turn your office into a faith-fueled adventure, tune in and get ready to see your workplace in a whole new light. 

Lastly, Jim and Martha discuss how they’ve recently made changes in their own lives to support Kingdom businesses. Check out the businesses mentioned in today’s show: 

  • SaferNet wants to make sure you, your family, and your business are kept safe from the dangers that lurk on your computers, tablets, and phones. With a VPN, antivirus software, and internet filters, SaferNet is the affordable, reliable option to protect your digital world.  

  • Patriot Mobile offers an alternative to the major mobile carriers but with the same great service. Support faith, family, and freedom by switching your phone service to Patriot Mobile. Use the iWork4Him link for free activation.  

  • ePaymints is set apart from other payment processors because they don’t support antibiblical agendas and have an excellent focus on you, the customer!

Featuring: Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him

iWork4Him, Awaken Podcast Network, PodcastJim Brangenbergfaith and work, resources, testimony, iWork4Him, work is worship, workplace ministry, workplace missions, discipleship, prayer, intercession, business leaders, leadership, event, devotional, resource, inspiration, book, training, discount, couples, marriage, priorities, Kingdom perspective, Follower of One, mission trip, marketplace, participate, christian women, women at work, celebrate women, women leaders, working women, mentoring, mentorship, accountability, advice, relationships, retirement, retirement reformation, generations, planning, ministry, family, marriage advice, marriage problems, quality time, family time, work, appreciation at work, assessment, thanksgiving, neighbor, neighboring, thankfulness, loneliness, Kingdom business, values, BRI, Patriot Mobile, Kingdom culture, affiliate, public schools, Bible, teachers, students, release time programs, internet safety, sponsor, cybersecurity, vpn, virus protection, unity, Christian chamber, marketplace workers, networking, coworkers, neighbors, paradigm shift, reflection, I Work with Him, iWorkWithHim, business as mission, When Jesus Calls, supernatural business, entrepreneur, pastor, shepherd, God talks, author, faith at work, events, military, faith integration, finance, women in business, customer care, Polished Network, women, Women in the Marketplace, collaboration, SaferNet, USCCC, abiding, balance, Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs, groups, G7, LinkedIn, diversity, Lifework, Dallas, Jacksonville, transformation, job search, tradition, conservative, DEI, CEO, spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, coaching, practical faith, revival, tent revival, identity, work excellence, iWork4Him Nation
Bonus Interview With sW4H and iR4H Author Danita Bye

Danita Bye burned her corporate navy-blue power suit. Yes, literally burned it. Why? Because she realized that it had become a symbol of the pressure she felt to be a modern-day “Wonder Woman,” a title that was impossible to live up to and left her feeling like a failure. In this bonus interview, she talks about letting go of perfection in exchange for grace, finding your identity, and generational reconciliation.

Danita Bye is a contributing author to Chapter 4 of sheWorks4Him: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work and Chapter 14 of iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Danita Bye


YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With sheWorks4Him Author Stephanie Winslow

Where does your identity come from? Does it come from your job title, position, salary, and perceived success… or does it come from the Lord? In this bonus interview, we talk with Stephanie Winslow about the shackles of performance-based identity. Stephanie has gone through many transitions in her life and career, and now she specializes in helping others through similar transitions. How? By teaching about priorities, identity, core values, vision, and mission.  

Stephanie is a contributing author to Chapter 16 of our new book, sheWorks4Him: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work.

Guests: Stephanie Winslow

Ministry/Workplace: Blind Spot Consultants

YouTube Video Interview