Posts tagged books
Ep 1999: The Birth of iWork4Him

It’s a typical story. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love and want to pursue ministry together. They get married looking forward to a future of “church work.” But an entrepreneurial, business spirit seemed to keep getting in the way... Little did Jim and Martha (boy and girl) know, God was calling them to ministry, but not in a church.

This is the story of iWork4Him! As Martha mentions in this episode, God was working in every detail of the Brangenbergs’ lives to prepare them for their current ministry of iWork4Him. For example, there are 5 steps in the iWork4Him Nation Covenant, and each of those steps comes from Jim and Martha’s own experiences in shifting their paradigms from “work is work” to work is worship. Hear why iWork4Him exists and why it’s important for YOU to understand that your work matters to God!

A lot of resources were mentioned in today’s show. You can check them out at the links below:

·       The iWork4Him Book Trilogy with new downloadable PDF options

·       TGIF (Today God is First) daily devotional – the resource that initially changed how Jim viewed his workplace

·       Take the iWork4Him Nation Covenant to commit to letting God shift your paradigm and start to live out your faith at work.

·       Connect with iWork4Him on the following platforms:

-        Facebook

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-        YouTube

-        TruthSocial

-        Rumble

Don’t forget about a special giveaway for iWork4Him’s new podcast season: email for a chance to win a free copy of the iWork4Him book!

Featuring: Jim and Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him

It’s Time for a Break

Let’s celebrate a few milestones today! In the past nine years, we have produced 2,200 podcasts and interviewed over 3,500 people. In addition, we have written a weekly blog for over 470 weeks, written three books, created and produced a 1-minute weekday PowerThought for podcast and radio, traveled thousands of miles, and met so many incredible people - BUT it’s time for a break. 

Throughout Scripture, God gives us great examples of REST, including at the very beginning of creation, and we know that we’ve failed to practice and obey them. In today’s show, we share honestly about what God is telling us and how we need to get serious rest so that we can walk in obedience in all He is asking of us.

So, we want to invite you to embark with us in this new season of restoration and relationship. Won’t you commit to incorporating the iWork4Him Nation pledge into our summer? Get to know our neighbors at home and work – spend some time grilling out, hosting potlucks, and relationship building. I know we will!

See you this fall!

Guests: Jim and Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him

YouTube Video

Run Toward Your Goliaths

Sometimes the path to our calling takes many turns. Dr. Eli Jones shares his story in his new book Run Toward your Goliaths. Despite being a first-generation college student, Eli’s childhood was full of first-rate learning experiences! His parents were entrepreneurial, and his dad’s work truck was often a classroom for Eli. After graduating college, Eli took several unexpected career turns. Still eventually, he ended up back in school to get his Ph.D., where Eli indeed found his calling as a teacher and writer!

Eli’s unchanging life mission has been to transform lives, and through teaching principles that come from the Bible – he is able to do just that. Higher education is fertile soil for connecting faith to learning. At Texas A&M, there are so many ways to visibly carry that out through the Christian Faculty Network and Breakaway ministry happening on campus, where Eli is deeply involved.

For the chance to win a copy of Eli’s book, Run Toward Your Goliaths, call the listener line at 866-713-9675 (WORK)!

Guests: Dr. Eli Jones

Ministry/ Workplace: Texas A&M University;

YouTube Video

Celebrating 9 Years of iWork4Him!

Here we are, at our nine-year celebration of iWork4Him and it all started with a speech. A speech about five ways to incorporate your faith into your workplace. Now, nine years later, iWork4Him is a legacy organization with over 2,100 produced podcasts, over 3,000 different guests, 3 brands, 3 books, and so much more. iWork4Him has become the mouthpiece of the faith and work movement – a movement dedicated to every workplace believer.

In today’s show, Jim and Martha have fun recounting all that God has done, who He has allowed them to meet, and how they have personally grown through the challenges of the last near-decade. From live radio one day per week, to five days per week, to podcasting the 1-minute PowerThought and 15-minute PowerPods, to on location shows at events and workplaces across the country – God has used this platform to share what He is doing in the lives of workers who are on mission at work. 

A big thank you to our guests, donors, sponsors, Board of Directors, and listeners these past nine years. We look forward to all that God has in store for the future – will you join us?

And for kicks – you can go back and here where it all began! CLICK HERE to listen to our FIRST EVER iWork4Him show!

Guests: Jim and Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him

YouTube Video


Bonus Interview With iWork4Him Author David Roth With Work Matters

Actions speak louder than words. What are your actions at work saying about who you are and who you believe in? In this bonus interview, David Roth tells us about how he was drawn in by the consistent behavior of his new coworkers at a Christian firm and how it led him to become a part of Work Matters. Tune in as we discuss all things Work Matters, integrated faith, and resources that can help you live a life of excellence that reflects the gospel!

Work Matters is featured in Chapter 15 of our new book, iWork4Him: Change the Way you Think About Faith and Work.


Guests: David Roth

Ministry/Workplace: Work Matters

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With iRetire4Him Author Jeff Brown

Everybody feels alone sometimes, especially when unexpected circumstances arise. Chaplains are a way for your company or organization to show its employees that they are not alone by building caring relationships over time! Chaplains provide one-on-one, grassroots ministry to employees that may never have set foot in a church before. Whether it is support through a crisis like suicide, family loss, illness, or financial distress, or a celebration like a new marriage, baby, or promotion. Whatever the life situation, chaplains are able to offer the power of presence – God’s presence!

Jeff Brown is a contributing author to Chapter 12 of our new book, iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Jeff Brown

Ministry/Workplace: Corporate Chaplains of America

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With sheWorks4Him Author Sue Wilson

Sue Wilson, the CFO of Driessen Water, Inc, is a contributing author to our new book, sheWorks4Him, where her Chapter is titled “Who’s in Control Here?” In this bonus interview, she talks with us about what it means to let go and let God find true joy in the midst of transition, love in the everyday ordinary, and how King David is the perfect example of a fellow recovering control freak! If you’ve ever felt yourself holding too tightly to your future plans – this one’s for you. 

Sue is a contributing author to Chapter 9 of our new book, sheWorks4Him: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work.

Guests: Sue Wilson

Ministry/Workplace: Driessen Water, Inc

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With iRetire4Him Author Bob Spence

Retirement isn’t in the Bible. True story! We were never meant to work for 30 years and then go on a 30-year vacation. Instead, God’s intention is that we would have a purpose throughout our entire life. In other words, retirement isn’t VACATION; it’s a JOB CHANGE. In this bonus interview with our personal mentor, Bob Spence, we talk about intentional retirement, ministering in the second half of life, and cultivating a mission, vision, purpose, and core values.

Bob Spence is a contributing author to Chapter 15 of our new book, iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Bob Spence

Ministry/Workplace: Bob Spence Consulting

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With iWork4Him Author Chuck Proudfit

When you get up on Monday morning, do you think “I HAVE to go to work” or “I GET to go to work”? For many of us, it’s the former… but it doesn’t have to be. God originally meant for work was meant to be a form of worship – not an obligation! In this bonus interview, the founder of At Work on Purpose, Chuck Proudfit, talks with us about learning to love your job, the spiritual nature of work, backdoor ministry, and building your witness one choice at a time. 

Chuck Proudfit is a contributing author to Chapter 22 of our new book, iWork4Him: Change the Way you Think About Faith and Work.

Guests: Chuck Proudfit

Ministry/Workplace: At Work on Purpose

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With iRetire4Him Author Doug Fagerstrom

If you don’t go into the workplace and share Jesus, who will? This is the question that God asked Doug Fagerstrom many years ago, and it’s the same question God is asking each of us today! But in this special bonus interview, Doug talks about how his life as a new retiree still centers on the same question – just a different location. Whether it’s in the workplace, the home, the community, or the golf course, we each have the opportunity to bring the person, words, and work of Jesus to those around us. Tune in to hear our discussion with Doug about purpose in retirement, faith in the marketplace and beyond, and becoming a chaplain in the second season of life.

Doug Fagerstrom is a contributing author to Chapter 11 of our new book, iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Doug Fagerstrom

Ministry/Workplace: Marketplace Chaplains

YouTube Video Interview