Posts tagged Gospel of John
Understanding The Power Of God’s Word
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Today we are talking to David Collum, President of the Pocket Testament League, and Mollie Yoder, Director of Member Relations. 

The Pocket Testament League has been equipping Christ-followers to read, carry, and share the Gospel of John since 1893. Today, David and Mollie talk with us about the unique challenges that PTL faces in 2020 and beyond – among them the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasingly digital society. 

The Pocket Testament League's biggest challenge – digital or analog – is getting people to understand the incredible power of God's Word. When we, as believers, invite someone to read the Gospel, it isn't our job to change their hearts or minds; it's the Holy Spirit's. God's word is living and active, and when someone reads it, they can't walk away un-impacted.

In the past, the PTL has primarily disseminated the Gospel of John through printed copies that go out to their members. These individuals then carry the Gospel with them, pray about who to give them to, and then share them.  Obviously, with COVID-19, physical handing out printed copies of the Gospel of John is no longer accessible, so the PTL tapped into its global web presence and developed the 3-2-1 Plan.  

The 3-2-1 Plan allows people to continue to share the Gospel during social distancing through three simple ways: 1) an email reading plan from PTL, 2) a video series where the Word of God is read, discussed, and a question is asked, and 3) a daily texted bible verse and question. 

If you are interested in Pocket Testament League’s simple 3-2-1 Plan for sharing the Gospel with your coworkers, family, friends, or neighbors, check out their website at

David Collum is a Contributor to Chapter 11 of The iWork4Him Field Manual.

Mollie Yoder is a Contributor to Chapter 10 of The SheWorks4Him Field Manual.

 Featured Guest: Mollie Yoder & David Collum

Workplace/Ministry: Pocket Testament League

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Law And Order And Him
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Judge Jeff Conrad was able to carve out some time from his busy, Judicial schedule to chat with us – LIVE from Lancaster, Pennsylvania – about how he holds the Word close to his heart, and his judgments. Take a few minutes to hear from this Jesus-following Judge and get his thoughts on the Ultimate Judge.

Featured Guests: Jeff Conrad & Don Hoover

Workplace / Ministry: The Pocket Testament League - Business Community Network

The Ministry Of The Pocket Testament League
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The Chief Stewardship Officer of Pocket Testament League, Rich Wilson, was a special guest with us today! Join us as we get the history, present workings, and future endeavors, of this transformational outfit from Mr. Wilson. Hear how he came to be involved with the operation, and his vision for the years ahead.

The Pocket Testament League was started 126 years ago, and offers a pocket-sized Gospel of John in over 100 languages and dozens of translations, to make it easy for you to share the gospel with your co-workers, neighbors, and friends! PTL is based on the belief that when people read the living Word of God, they can’t help but be changed. They want to make evangelism simple. 

The Pocket Testament League is a featured Contributor to Chapter 13 of the iRetire4Him Field Guide. 

Featured Guests: Rich Wilson & Don Hoover

Workplace / Ministry: The Pocket Testament League - Business Community Network