Posts tagged clarity
What does obedience look like in your life?

It’s an exciting week here at iWork4Him! On April 15th of 2021, iWork4Him celebrates 8 years as a media ministry focused on the intersection of faith and work. We have interviewed over 3000 people on over 1800 shows resulting in thousands of hours of video/audio available to a nation of workplace believers hungry for encouragement and resources to help them live out their faith at work. But it might not have happened if Martha and I weren’t obedient to the call of God on our lives…Read on.

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Hearing God’s Call to the Workplace Mission Field

Growing up, I always wanted to be a businesswoman. I loved numbers and would daydream about walking into an accounting office in a tailored blue suit. But I was never sure if my passion for business was actually something God wanted me to do. Sure, I was gifted in it, but no one in the Church ever talked about business being a God-given calling; it was never endorsed from the pulpit as such. Then, when I was 13-years-old, I felt strongly like God’s purpose for me was to go into full-time Christian ministry. It’s not that my passion for business ever left, just that I couldn’t figure out how to connect those two callings on my life into one. I wanted to serve the Lord, and I wanted to be in business, but NO ONE could connect those dots for me.

So, what about you? Have you heard God’s voice calling you to full-time Christian ministry? Have you also felt a call towards the marketplace, government or education, health care or the arts?

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Your Calling Doesn’t Expire When You Retire

Heads up: the subject of this blog might make you uncomfortable, BUT it will be worth it, I promise! In fact, I believe that the future of the Church depends on what we are talking about today: the fact that you have a God-given calling and that calling doesn’t retire.

Have you ever wondered if the “American Dream” version of Retirement (retirement = pleasure) is healthy? Is it what is best for the Body of Christ? I can’t help but think that if God intended us to work for 40 years and then rest and relax for 30 or 40 years, He would have said so in Scripture. Instead, what He said is that we need to learn to be content. He said that we need to weekly find peace, relax, and get refreshed in preparation for what is next… and there is a next if you are still alive. Heck, Moses didn’t start fulfilling his calling until he was 80 years old!

What this country needs, and what the Body of Christ needs, is a generation of Christ-following retirees who are itching to use the gifts God has given them to fulfill God’s purpose for them. Retirees are in the perfect position to shape and influence the lives of those coming up in the ranks of the next generations.

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Do You Have 2020 Vision?

Happy New Year! Most of us will not mourn the passing of 2020. It was a year of fear and strife. It was a year of lost freedoms and lost loved ones. It was a year we may want to forget but will likely remember forever. When the year began, remember how many people said 2020 would be the year of 20/20 Vision & Clarity? That the number of the year: 2020 represented so much hope and promise. Did that play out? I think it did, just not the way we expected.

In 2020 the U.S. Culture deemed the church non-essential. We saw church doors closed on penalty of a fine. The church was extricated from its buildings. We saw this as a problem, but God can use it for good. Removing the 4-walls from the church forced the church to be everywhere. Our communities are hurting and hopeless, and the church is the messenger of healing and hope.

So, where is the clarity for 2020?

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What pain in this world drives you to your knees?

God made each of us unique.

  • Each has a unique set of gifts, talents, and abilities.

  • Each has a unique relationship with God – experiencing Him differently than I do.

  • Each has a unique passion in their heart.

  • Each is brought to their knees by a different pain in the world.

These unique qualities drive us to solve different problems in our work, homes, and communities. What is it for you?

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Turn Down The Volume

Sometimes the TV is so loud that I can’t hear my wife, Martha asking me a question. I have trouble talking in the car if the radio is on. It seems like I can only really listen to one thing at a time. There are so many voices fighting for my attention, how do I choose? There are Voices on TV, radio, podcasts, online and in person. How do you and I turn down those voices so we can hear the voice of Truth?

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