Posts tagged faith at work
What's Your iWork4Him Story?

It all started with my new job. Commuting 90 miles to work. I made a commitment to not turn on the radio for the morning commute. I wanted to learn how to pray. My new job had so much adventure built in, but I wanted this job to be different. I prayed for my family on the way to work and others who had specific prayer requests, but then my world got rocked. One day, in my email inbox, my friend Bob sent me the Today God is First devotional from Os Hillman. For the first time in my life, I learned that God loved my work and that my workplace was my mission field. I was floored.

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Producing Fruit that Lasts

Psalms 92:14 the psalmist paints a picture of lovers of God that “even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” That’s what I want for my life. I want to grow strong in my faith over the years so that even in my later years, I’m still producing fruit, vital and green.

What does that look like?

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Hope in Difficult Seasons: Memory Stones

David knew that when it feels like God is far from us, the best remedy is remembering who God is and how He has worked on our behalf before. What are your mental photographs of God’s faithfulness? What are your memory stones? Do you have verses underlined in your bible, have you written down answered prayers, do you have a tattoo or a special trinket on a bookshelf to help you remember a way that God has provided for you?

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Are You Speaking Words of Encouragement or Hate?

Our words can build up or break down. This week I’m going to focus on the words that come out of my mouth. Instead of anything ugly or hateful, I’m going to wrap up my words as a beautiful gift and deliver grace to the person that receives them. What about you? What kind of words will come out of your mouth today?

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Control Freak Much?

Do you have control issues? Where do they show their ugly faces in your life? Does it come out in your relationships or your attitude towards others? Or maybe it comes out in your work? Wherever it shows itself, being a control freak is NOT a fruit of the Spirit. In fact, it's precisely the opposite! To truly live in the Spirit, we have to give up control.

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Living a Fully Integrated Life

Kathy Book was a high-level manager in a nationwide grocery chain. Outside of work, she was a Christian, but while she was at work, she didn't act so "Christian." But everything changed one day when her boss pulled her aside to have a hard conversation.

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Is Your Faith for Everyday or Just Special Occasions?

“When you left for work today, did you put on your Faith Hat, or did you leave it home? Is your Faith Hat in a hatbox where it is neat and can't be crushed or wrinkled? Do you only bring it out on Sunday, or is your faith hat on all the time, wrinkled and worn but shaped by being used in all kinds of circumstances, especially work time?”

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We've Been Lied To

You are part of an elite force of 2 billion people called to positively impact the planet with your faith in God. You don't need to quit your job to operate in significance; you already are. You just need to shift your mindset and realize that when you leave church on Sunday (either virtually or actually), you aren’t leaving God’s will or calling on your life – you are entering your mission field!

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