Posts tagged discipleship
Great Leaders Are Not Born – They Are Discipled

Many famous people have said it: we all need a Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy in our lives. Someone to teach and challenge us, someone to encourage us, and someone we, in turn, can teach and encourage. This is how we become a cultural influence for Christ – one person at a time.

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The iWork4Him Lifestyle

When Jesus gave the great commission, it was to fisherman and tax collectors – it was to nobodies. Yet, Jesus chose to use them to spread the gospel to every nation, and it was Jesus who empowered them to do so. In the same way, God wants to use you in whatever profession you’re in to bring the good news those around you!”

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A God Sized Remodel

Martha and I acquired a little house in the middle of small-town, mid-west America recently. The place is 125 years old and drew us in immediately with its quaint appearance and excellent location. But here’s the funny thing about old houses: they look great on the outside, but they usually need A LOT of fixing on the inside.

Ever since iWork4Him launched, we have used Romans 12:2 as our team verse.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

You and me… we’re a lot like my old house. Our lives might look pretty good on the outside, but the inside is full of broken, malfunctioning, outdated things. But when we give our lives to Christ, God does a full inspection of the interior of us and prepares for a complete remodel on our hearts, minds, and souls. Just like Martha and I had to rip out the old plumbing, sewer, and electrical in our old house, God dismantles all of the bad connections, wiring, and plumbing inside of our minds and replaces them with brand-new, more effective versions.

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Mere Christianity - He Will Make You Perfect

I am a reader; I love to read. The volumes I pick up are often about the faith and work movement or are specific books to prepare for an iWork4Him podcast, but I also enjoy a good novel. In particular, the fiction of C.S. Lewis has been a longtime favorite, but I’ll be the first to admit that his non-fiction has always been a bit of a stretch for me. Three times in the last 40 years, I have picked up his book Mere Christianity, started it, and then not finished.

I was recently inspired to pick up Mere Christianity again when I heard that it was based on C.S. Lewis’s radio appearances during World War II. Apparently, Lewis was asked by the UK Government to come on air and tell people about Christianity, to share his hope in a time that was incredibly dark for Europe. For many nights, C.S. Lewis talked about how he went from being an Atheist to becoming an all-out Christ Follower and Christian Apologist. He had the opportunity to educate a nation in peril about eternal hope found in truth.

As a radio host myself, this story was intriguing enough to help me finish Mere Christianity. In the book, there is a particular quote of Lewis’s that stuck with me. In it, he expounds on Matthew 5:48, “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

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Your Calling Doesn’t Expire When You Retire

Heads up: the subject of this blog might make you uncomfortable, BUT it will be worth it, I promise! In fact, I believe that the future of the Church depends on what we are talking about today: the fact that you have a God-given calling and that calling doesn’t retire.

Have you ever wondered if the “American Dream” version of Retirement (retirement = pleasure) is healthy? Is it what is best for the Body of Christ? I can’t help but think that if God intended us to work for 40 years and then rest and relax for 30 or 40 years, He would have said so in Scripture. Instead, what He said is that we need to learn to be content. He said that we need to weekly find peace, relax, and get refreshed in preparation for what is next… and there is a next if you are still alive. Heck, Moses didn’t start fulfilling his calling until he was 80 years old!

What this country needs, and what the Body of Christ needs, is a generation of Christ-following retirees who are itching to use the gifts God has given them to fulfill God’s purpose for them. Retirees are in the perfect position to shape and influence the lives of those coming up in the ranks of the next generations.

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