Posts tagged freedom
What Does Freedom Mean to You?

Our country, a nation built on the value of freedom, is a mess… but not for the reason you think. It’s largely a mess because many of those who call themselves “Christians” have chosen to live in freedom from the obligation to do right and freedom to pursue self-interest under the guise of the “American Dream,” rather than in Jesus’ freedom.

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Holy Moments

Is Holiness even possible today in the workplace? I read a book this weekend by Matthew Kelly, titled “The Biggest Lie in the history of Christianity”. In this book Mr. Kelly asserts that Christians don’t believe holiness is even possible today and that belief causes us to shrink back from trying to even make a difference. I agree with Mr. Kelly.

Mr. Kelly asserts that Holy Moments are possible every day as we encounter people, let’s apply that thought to our workplaces. I don’t think Mr. Kelly would mind.

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