Jesus Worked The Family Business

It is not insignificant that Jesus was born to a family who had a small business. Carpentry. God could have put Jesus in any number of families but He chose one where the primary source of income to support the family was the small family business. You might find yourself asking why?  I often had until I started researching the Faith and Work movement 14 years ago. It was then that I realized that the major economic driving force in any countries economy is the small family run business. Sure there are huge corporations but 44% of US economic activity is driven by small businesses and small businesses create 2/3 of all net new jobs.  So what does this have to do with you?

God loves business. In fact He wanted His son to experience all the struggles of man including the challenges of being in and eventually running a small family business. Why?  When you run a small business, you are actually running a small niche focused ministry that delivers a product.  This small business experience enabled Jesus to put together the most powerful marketing plan ever and that plan has changed the world.  God loves business and He loves work. God planned it that way when the world was created. When He told Adam and Eve to cultivate the Earth, He meant to harvest its resources and use them to bring flourishing to others. That is all done in the hands of business owners. Jesus’ plan was to use the marketplace to spread the good news because commerce moves products and information.

The next time you wonder if God has called you into business or ministry, realize that He has called you into a Biznistry and its focus is a high priority to Him. You can bring flourishing to the earth by operating a small family business.  You have His blessing and it was His plan to bring the Gospel to this planet.


Curious about Marketing like Jesus?  This episode of iWork4Him podcast will give you some ideas.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!