You Have The Power To Turn Around This Country - Vote - Biblical Values

Hold on tight because I’m going to share some staggering statistics with you in this post.  My friend, Chad Connelly with , informed me that the ‘church going vote’ in America is the most powerful voting bloc that exists in our country. Let me say that again, the most powerful voting bloc in the United States, if it was fully engaged, is church goers. The bad news is – the church isn’t showing up and it doesn’t know how to vote with a biblical world view.

Here are the numbers:

  • 80 - 82 million eligible church going voters in the US

  • 30 million of them vote regularly but not always.

  • 25 - 30 million of them are registered to vote but DO NOT VOTE

  • 25 - 30 million of them ARE NOT registered to vote

  • 50 million eligible church going voters are not engaged

  • 575,000 elected officials in the country – most are elected by a small % of actual eligible voters

  • Almost all pastors of churches in America do not talk about voter registration or teach about voting according to our biblical values from a biblical world view.

Now normally the topic of the iWork4Him weekly blog relates in some fashion to living out our faith in our work. Today, I want to focus on living out your faith in all of your life.  We live in a free country and have been given a right to vote for whomever we wish. Are you happy with where the country is heading? Do you think your elected officials represent you and your biblical values well.  Most presidential elections are decided by 60% of the eligible voting population and 40% in non-presidential election years.  If 100% of Church going biblical values based voters actually voted, our country would be headed in a direction based on those values.

The final staggering FACTOID of the day.  It is legal and acceptable in this country for a church to hold a non-partisan voter registration event, even during church services.  Most pastors and leaders think this is illegal.  Unbelievably, there are many organizations and media outlets that have perpetrated the lie that it is illegal for the church to get involved in politics and voting.  They claim “the separation of church and state” is the issue.  You research this for yourselves, but the truth is that Jefferson wrote about protecting the church FROM the state not the STATE from the church. The latter is a manifesto of secularism and communism.

IT IS HIGH TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO RISE UP AND GET INVOLVED IN RUNNING THIS COUNTRY AGAIN.  As the body of Christ we are the only ones with a real solution to the problems of America. Jesus is the only hope for our country. The biblical values we see written and demonstrated from Genesis to Revelation are the only values that bring freedom, equality and justice for all. PERIOD…end of story.

So, when was the last time you voted? Did you vote in your local primary election this year? Are you registered to vote? Are all your friends at church registered to vote?  Will your church, an institution dedicated to the transformation of our communities, allow a non-partisan voter registration the last two Sundays of September in 2020 in order to mobilize voters with biblical values to vote those values in the fall election on November 3rd?

When the church leads in courageous humility, our country will become transformational on a worldwide basis. We have seen it before and we can see it again. It starts with you – register to vote, gather others to join you and help your pastor and local church community to promote participation in our elections.

Pastors – if you are reading this – Christians need to be the thought leaders because Christ gave us all the answers. Start talking through the difficult issues on Sunday and equip your congregations with a biblical world view. It is the ONLY view based on Truth and that offers Hope.

If you want to know how to get started…check out www.FAITHWINS.US for all the resources to take action.


Intrigued but not convinced?  Listen to Chad in a recent iWork4Him interview.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!