Posts tagged planning for retirement
Let’s Rethink Retirement
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Is your current view of what retirement looks like a mindset that aligns with Biblical values? The answer may surprise you, and that’s why this show exists. Sit in with Jim and Martha as they talk how we should be viewing this stage of our lives – and how we can move the Kingdom forward with our late-stage movements and actions.

Featured Guests: Jim & Martha

Workplace / Ministry: iRetire4Him

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Jim and Martha work on shifting your future financial focus as they brought on a very special guest – and newly named National Brand Ambassador for the iRetire4Him Movement – to talk about why it is of the utmost importance to think about how we invest in our future. Why? Because it can have some massive ramification for the Kingdom.

Featured Guest: Ted Hains

Workplace / Ministry: iRetire4Him

Is Your ‘WHY’ As Big As Your ‘HOW’?

We got to rethink retirement today with Bruce Bruinsma of the ministry, “Retirement Reformation”. It was an eye-popping conversation that will shift your financial thinking in the best way possible. 

When asked what they will do with their retirement, 85% of Christians answer, “nothing”. In America, we have fostered a culture that retirement is essentially a well-deserved rest filled with golf, cruises, and leisure. But God never intended for the wise and experienced among us to sit out on the sidelines. Rather, He wants them to get back in the game of life as coaches and leaders to help raise up the next generation! Bruce formed Retirement Reformation to change the way that people think about retirement. 

Get a glimpse of what it means to retire4Him in this fantastic, faith-filled podcast. 

Bruce Bruinsma is a Contributor to Chapter 10 of the iRetire4Him Field Manual and co-host of the iRetire4Him Podcast.

Featured Guest: Bruce Bruinsma

Workplace/Ministry: Retirement Reformation

Let’s Talk Retirement4Him

Better yet, how about we discuss a retirement REVOLUTION! How should we be saving – and spending – our retirement dollars as we go into the sunset.  Is there a right and wrong way? A Biblical way? These are the topics you’ll learn about as Jim and Martha brought on author, Dave Kennon, to break down his book, “The Retirement Revolution,” and blow your mind. 

Did you know that 1/3 of retirees die with more money than they had when they retired? How crazy is that! Dave talks with us today about the Retirement Revolution and how you can use your finances and your time to make a kingdom impact in the second season of life! So, stop living scared and recognize that you have already funded your future ministry! 

Featured Guest: Dave Kennon 

Workplace/Ministry: Kennon Financial