Posts tagged forgiveness
How God Brings Us Into Wholeness So He Can Use Us More Effectively
06-11-20 Canva Podcast Image.png

It often takes a huge event to get our attention or to slow us down. Sometimes it takes a catastrophe and sometimes it just takes being alone with our thoughts with nothing else to do but to deal with them.  Sometimes God intervenes and brings healing in very intentional ways.  He wants us whole, but almost all of us have baggage that needs to be cast off and dealt with before Wholeness can happen.  Such is the life of Ben who is depicted in Os Hillman’s latest book. Os tells us his story and the story of Ben and how dealing with and forgiving the past and learning from it are all part of the process of God bringing us into wholeness so He can use us more effectively.

Featured Guest: Os Hillman

Workplace/Ministry: Today God Is First

FaceBook Live Video Interview