Posts tagged employee appreciation
In Today’s Public School Environment Can You Even Be A Christian?
11-23-20 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

I don’t think there is a question that our public servants often get the least amount of public appreciation. Today we are going to talk about public school teachers. Teachers often get paid okay but their work environments can be tough. Being an educator means dealing with Administrators, School Board members, Parents and the least of their trouble – the kids. In today’s public school environment can you even be a Christian? It seems like there is a large outcry about people sharing their Christian faith in schools. Martha and I are here today to let you know that there are lots of Christian educators and we are going to hear from one today. Craig Olsen and I grew up in the same youth group 35 years ago. We lost touch after Martha and I got married and moved away. A couple of years ago we connected on Facebook and recently we actually had a conversation on Zoom. Craig has a great story to tell about how God is using him in his position in the public-school system in MN.

Featured Guest: Craig Olsen

Workplace/Ministry: Work Coordinator/Special Education Teacher - The Christian Educators Association

Visit Craig’s YouTube - Email Craig:

YouTube Video Interview

Year End Performance Reviews

Proverbs 27:23 says, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds…” So today, I want to ask, do you, as a manager, CEO, business owner, or supervisor, know the state of your employees – both personally and professionally? Do you know where they are coming from? Do you know where they are at? If not, today is your chance to start - and Martha and I want to show you how!

If you do regular employee performance reviews (we’re talking quarterly, not just annually!), you will have more opportunities to share the Gospel with your people because of how you are regularly investing in them. Employee performance evaluations are an opportunity to sit down without interruptions, show that you care, and improve company culture! 

Employee reviews allow you to sit down and have an open, purposeful, and transparent conversation. And, by doing regular performance reviews, you are able to: 1) Shows that you care, notice, and acknowledge their work 2) Set goals, so they have somewhere to go in the future 3) Create an opportunity for an open dialogue 4) Provide productive feedback and investment 5) Allow the employee an opportunity to do a self-evaluation. 

Download the iWork4Him Performance Review Template and set up a performance evaluation with your employees today!

Featured Guests:  Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/Workplace:  iWork4Him

The Languages of Appreciation

We’re in the middle of a series about what L.O.V.E. has to do with our work. Today, we are talking to Sue Wilson, the CFO of Crown College in Minnesota, about The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Gary Chapman and Paul White. 

All of us need to feel appreciated, especially at work. But not everyone feels appreciated in the same ways… for one person it may be verbal acknowledgement, for another it may be gifts, or quality time. So, how do we learn to value our coworkers, employees, and bosses in ways that are meaningful and effective to THEM? The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace breaks down the main ways that people tend to feel encouraged in their work, so that your organization can create a culture of joy! 

Featured Guest: Sue Wilson 

Workplace/Ministry: Crown College