Posts tagged commitment
Ep 2003: Don’t Quit Your Day Job

Thinking about quitting your job to go into full-time ministry? DON’T! You’re already a full-time missionary right where you are! As Executive Director of t-factor at Coca-Cola Consolidated, Mark Whitacre has witnessed firsthand the impact that this truth can have on business leaders across the country. Actually, Mark has a fascinating story that’s even been made into a movie (learn more in his previous iWork4Him interview).

t-factor ministers to Christian leaders, inspiring them to bring Jesus into their workplaces and improve culture. For reference, Coca-Cola Consolidated is America’s largest bottling company and is determined to “honor God in all [they] do.” Mark helps to orchestrate t-factor Summits that encourage Christian CEOs and the like to transform the marketplace – and it’s effective! 68% of business leaders who attend t-factor events implement at least one t-factor takeaway within 90 days.

Richard Williams is one of those leaders whose life and business was changed by a t-factor Summit. He was shown how to make God a big deal at his company, Lineage, and has since been able to support his employees through chaplaincy and grow Lineage through a thriving workplace culture. As Richard mentions: “don’t have sloppy agape!” Instead, invest in employees, coworkers, and clients just like Jesus poured into so many in the marketplace.

You could be an attendee at one of the upcoming t-factor events, but it’s invitation only! For an invite, reach out to Jim at to connect you with Mark.

Featuring: Mark Whitacre, Richard Williams

Ministry/ Workplace: t-factor

Ep 2002: Is it OK to Pay People to Pray?

How much value do you place on the power of prayer? All this week, the iWork4Him blog and PowerThoughts have revolved around the message that “prayer changes things.” This episode of the podcast is no different, and very unique guests join Jim and Martha to discuss just how important prayer is, especially in business.

iWork4Him as an organization places a HUGE emphasis on prayer (which is why it’s step 1 in the iWork4Him Nation Covenant). For the last three years, Co-Reign has been interceding on behalf of Jim and Martha, intentionally taking their lives and the ministry of iWork4Him before God’s throne each day. Co-Reign seeks to find the prayer strategy that will fit you best. It’s not just Scott praying for you. It’s a collaboration to strengthen the assignment God has for you.

David McKay, CEO and Owner of HMK Company, joins the conversation as a witness of the impact intercession has had on his business. One example is the culture of HMK. There is a marked Kingdom influence in the project management work that HMK does.

Hiring an intercessor is a new concept for many, but it can make such a difference, as you’ll hear in today’s episode. If this is something you’re interested in learning more about, reach out to Scott for a free consult:

And if you’d like to intercede on behalf of iWork4Him, join the Prayer Team! Jim and Martha will send you emails periodically with iWork4Him’s prayer requests.

Featuring: Scott Flora; David McKay

Ministry/ Workplace: Co-Reign

Ep 2001: You’re a 1st-Tier Citizen

As this new season gets underway, this first interview is a message that every workplace believer needs to hear. Even within the first few minutes of the show, Dr. Charlie Self has an urgent word: “There is no secular work for God’s people.” Romans 12:1-2 ends religion because our whole life needs to glorify God. Once this clicks, it changes how you live.

Christianity has historically put pastors and missionaries on a pedestal for their full-time vocational ministry. This leaves most of God’s people on a “lower tier” and puts the burden of evangelism on the Church. But the majority of us spend most of our waking hours at work, and God wants to use us there – no matter the location, the position, or the type of work.

As Charlie mentions, to move toward being true workplace missionaries, it starts with one prayer, one church, one song, one sermon, one podcast at a time. An easy way to begin shifting your thinking is by getting a copy of the iWork4Him field guide, which is now conveniently offered as a downloadable PDF (and in print & audio formats). Another simple yet powerful resource is the daily iWork4Him PowerThought – a 1-minute audio that helps believers to live “on mission” at work.

Charlie’s ministry Discipleship Dynamics provides a book and an assessment on personalized discipleship. He’s willing to give away 5 copies of the new book 5D Discipleship Dynamics, so you can email Martha at to try to win one of those.

As you listen to the episode, take heart that you’re a first-tier citizen in the Kingdom of God!


Ps – Be sure to follow iWork4Him on social media:

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Or if there’s some other platform you use, let Jim know at

Featuring: Dr. Charlie Self

Ministry/ Workplace: Discipleship Dynamics &

Ep 2000: iWork4Him 101

Even after 2000 episodes, the message remains the same: your workplace is your mission field! For some, this might be a new concept. For others, you’ve heard this many times, but that doesn’t necessarily making living it out easier. So for the new and veteran listeners alike, take this “refresher course” of iWork4Him 101!

Jim and Martha build on the previous show 1999 (beginning of the iWork4Him season relaunch) by reviewing the 5 steps of the iWork4Him Nation Covenant. What are they and how can you live them out in your own workplace?

Go more indepth by listening to the show, but check out the resources mentioned that will help you to consistently minister in your workplace:

·       iWork4Him books, found in the bookstore (print, ebook, audio, and PDF formats).

·       PowerThoughts – 1-minute audios that you can listen to each day of the work week that will remind you of this week’s faith and work topic

·       Blog – another resource that helps tie each week’s theme together and solidify it in your mind and heart

·       iWork4Him Nation Covenant – are you ready to take your workplace ministry to the next level?

Take advantage of all of this incredible content this week to really make the iWork4Him message and steps part of your day-to-day life!

Featuring: Jim and Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him