Ep 2001: You’re a 1st-Tier Citizen

As this new season gets underway, this first interview is a message that every workplace believer needs to hear. Even within the first few minutes of the show, Dr. Charlie Self has an urgent word: “There is no secular work for God’s people.” Romans 12:1-2 ends religion because our whole life needs to glorify God. Once this clicks, it changes how you live.

Christianity has historically put pastors and missionaries on a pedestal for their full-time vocational ministry. This leaves most of God’s people on a “lower tier” and puts the burden of evangelism on the Church. But the majority of us spend most of our waking hours at work, and God wants to use us there – no matter the location, the position, or the type of work.

As Charlie mentions, to move toward being true workplace missionaries, it starts with one prayer, one church, one song, one sermon, one podcast at a time. An easy way to begin shifting your thinking is by getting a copy of the iWork4Him field guide, which is now conveniently offered as a downloadable PDF (and in print & audio formats). Another simple yet powerful resource is the daily iWork4Him PowerThought – a 1-minute audio that helps believers to live “on mission” at work.

Charlie’s ministry Discipleship Dynamics provides a book and an assessment on personalized discipleship. He’s willing to give away 5 copies of the new book 5D Discipleship Dynamics, so you can email Martha at Martha@iWork4Him.com to try to win one of those.

As you listen to the episode, take heart that you’re a first-tier citizen in the Kingdom of God!


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Featuring: Dr. Charlie Self

Ministry/ Workplace: Discipleship Dynamics & DrCharlieSelf.com