Posts tagged religion
Put a Fish on it Part 2

Ask yourself this question: Do I need a fish symbol for people to know I am a Christian at work?

This cartoon really symbolizes some of the reasons for decline in the United States of America. Way too many Christians, including me early on in my marketplace career, have used a fish symbol to indicate their “conversion” instead of using a transformed heart that “Loves the Lord your God with all your heart, Mind and Soul and loves your neighbor as yourself”. Too much religion is about arrogance and rules and power. Jesus was all about bringing inner healing , “LIVING WATER” he said. He wasn’t about pomp and circumstance.

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Put a Fish on it Part 1

Ask yourself this question: Do I need a fish symbol for people to know I am a Christian at work?

I love this cartoon depiction. I can honestly say that I have had this conversation with Jesus in the past, when I just didn’t “get it” yet. I didn’t understand what it truly meant to be a Jesus Follower. I believed if I put a fish on my marketing material, advertised in the Christian directory, wore a button or had a Jesus bumper sticker on my car, that people would know I was a Christian and that would entice them to be one, too. HOWEVER, the opposite was really true. Since my behavior was at times in contradiction to what most people expected out of a Christian, the decorations only emphasized the hypocrisy in my own life and drove people away from Jesus, not towards Him.

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