Put a Fish on it Part 1

I love this cartoon depiction.   I can honestly say that I have had this conversation with Jesus in the past, when I just didn’t “get it” yet. I didn’t understand what it truly meant to be a Jesus Follower.  I believed if I put a fish on my marketing material, advertised in the Christian directory, wore a button or had a Jesus bumper sticker on my car, that people would know I was a Christian and that would entice them to be one, too. HOWEVER, the opposite was really true.  Since my behavior was at times in contradiction to what most people expected out of a Christian, the decorations only emphasized  the hypocrisy in my own life and drove people away from Jesus, not towards Him.

When someone becomes a true follower of Jesus, their entire life is transformed, the old life is gone and a new life has begun (2 Cor. 5:17).  When you become a Jesus Follower, everything about you  is in the process of changing.  A sticker, logo, button or pin should not be the main indicator of that change. People who know you will see the difference in your life.  People who meet you will be impacted by your attitude and actions. People you work with will see the integrity of your work.  If they see a fish symbol, they just may run the other direction because of a bad past experience.  Is it wrong to have a fish on your business card? No. Should it be necessary to have a fish on your business card?  No.  Is it what iWork4Him is all about? No.  Romans 12:2 talks about changing the way we think,  about everything - especially work.

Ask yourself this question:  Do I need a fish symbol for people to know I am a Christian at work?

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!