The World's Greatest Consultant Is.....

There is a great deal we do not, and will not understand about our Triune God, until we go to heaven. Take the Holy Spirit, for instance. We don’t really understand Him, but He’s here with us. Dr. Jim Harris believes The Holy Spirit is the greatest partner in our work we could ever imagine. Even if we do not understand HOW He works. He is our counselor, He is our paraclete (the helper), the spirit of truth and wisdom.

Dr. Harris asked us:

“Why not let the world’s greatest consultant, the Holy Spirit that lives inside us, lead us and guide us in our business?”

What would happen if we invited him into our work every day? What if every time we walked in our office or truck cab, we asked “Holy Spirit, What do you want me to know as I begin work today?” 

What if today, we worked as if the living God and His wisdom were inside us? (which it is)

So, let’s all ask ourselves his question: Why not let the world’s greatest consultant, the Holy Spirit that lives inside us, lead us and guide us in our business?   

Would we be doing different work? In a different way? Would we think higher, grander thoughts? Would we expect and GET bigger results? Over-deliver for our clients?  Would we take off the limiting thoughts that hinder how our work will turn out?   Our God is SO BIG, He spoke our universe into existence.  So, let’s invite that God into our work every day, and expect God-size results.

“Holy Spirit, lead me and guide me today as I head to work.  Help me with my decisions and relationships.  Guide me to honor my Heavenly Father through my actions.  AMEN!”

To hear how Dr. Jim Harris is living this out, listen to his interview HERE.

Jim and Martha Brangenberg