Mental Toughness – Extra Effort

What's the difference between believing in God and trusting God?

A San Antonio business owner named Darryl Lyons got to find out.  

Living in the mid-west at the time, with a pregnant wife, and a young daughter, they experienced several years of business and personal upheaval.  He says he spent these years handling things his own way, through his own personal motto:

Mental toughness, extra effort.

And now, that motto was useless.

At lunch with a mentor one day, God spoke to him through his mentor’s counsel. God said

Darryl, are you done yet?  Are you done trying to do things out of your own strength?” 

Darryl says he finally understood and submitted to God’s word over his life, and professional plans. He was presented with a unique opportunity, and from the world’s perspective a no-brainer: to go work as a fat cat on Wall Street with a huge salary.  But much prayer and God’s question to him about being done, set him on a path to choose what was best for his family: To stay in San Antonio, and start a family-centered Financial Advisory Group.

Matthew 6: 33 advises us -

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Darryl discovered in his life and work, just how true this passage is.  So how about YOU? Are you just believing IN God, or are you really living as though you TRUST God?

You can still believe in God and still be doing most things from your own knowledge and strength. But TRUSTING God is going ALL IN. It’s putting His plan, His will, His way before ours.

So dear reader, are YOU done yet?

Listen to the iWork4Him interview with Darryl Lyons.

About the Guest Blogger, Caroline Mendez, National Brand Ambassador, iWork4Him

Caroline’s Mission: To raise the visibility of Christian Women in Leadership. She is passionate about empowering each woman she meets to be free from that which keeps them oppressed.