Happy Valentine's Day!

I am often asked how I can possibly work with my spouse every day.  Well, in my world, I can’t imagine it any other way and I’m not alone.  Here’s a story of our friends from the West Coast that are running a business together as a married couple. 

I get up every morning and pray to the Lord to be the best of what He wants me to be for the day. 

~ Dre Truitt, Office Pride Franchise Owner

Is it possible to have a business with your spouse without blowing up the marriage?  Is it possible to have a shared vision, where you both hear from the Lord and get the same message about starting a business?  Is it possible to actually build and improve your family and marriage with starting and running a franchise?  It ALL sounds impossible to me, but some are actually living it.

Dre and Karie Truitt, one of a hundred and thirty-four franchisees in 24 states for Office Pride knew that God needed them to “be still”, so they could hear His call on their lives.  And now they are doing their business “God’s way”.  To listen to their interview on the iWork4Him PowerPod click HERE.

“The beauty of being a business owner is the ability to live by our priorities. God first, then marriage, then kids, then work.” 

~ Karie Truitt

Priorities.  I love how clear Karie Truitt’s priorities are. I bet her life (personal and professional) is a lot easier than most people’s, even other people of faith. Being clear on our priorities makes decision-making clear, quick and easy.

Have you ever thought about if you’re REALLY living your priorities?  Are they God-aligned?

When’s the last time you stopped and did an inventory of WHERE you’re spending your time? 

Where we spend our time is the surest barometer of where our heart and priorities lie. Webster’s defines priorities as something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives.  As Christ followers, we’re given our priorities by our Lord, not the world. But are we living like it?

Are YOU disciplining and prioritizing yourself, and your work, in God’s direction today? 

Jeremiah 29:13 New International Version (NIV)

13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!