Posts tagged world vision
An Army of Givers

In this interview from last year’s CLA Outcomes Conference, we speak with National Commander – Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder, who has been with The Salvation Army for 33 years. Ken believes that one of the organization’s strengths is that they don’t have a narrow focus. This allows The Salvation Army to help people wherever they are – however, it can also lead to burn out. Throughout the pandemic, The Salvation Army has been working to meet the needs of the many Americans who have fallen under the poverty line. They went from serving 52 million meals per year to over 225 million in 2020! However, God is faithful, and Ken says that giving went up by 27% this year, which allowed the Army to do what it does best – love on people! Ken also shares with us how he keeps himself from burnout with a routine and schedule that keep his faith centered on Christ.

Commissioner Hodder is 6th generation Salvationist, 4th generation commissioner, and 2nd generation National Commander.  What a legacy he has followed and will leave for future generations. His final words to leaders were to not try to change the people but use their strengths to serve.

Guests: Kenneth Hodder

Ministry/ Workplace: The Salvation Army

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Leading Like it Matters to God

In this interview from the most recent Outcome’s Conference, we talk with Rich Stearns, the President Emeritus of World Vision, about keeping your marriage and your faith strong, leading with values, and what a thriving ministry looks like. As to this last bit, Rich relates thriving in faith and ministry to the core mission of World Vision: to restore the dignity of the poor and bring hope to the hopeless. Isn’t this what we should all be doing? When we work to bring dignity and hope to everyone in our sphere of influence, our teams, organizations, and clients thrive.

Plus, Rich discusses his new book Lead Like It Matters to God: Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World, which was selected as the Christian Leadership Alliance book of the year. Surrender and sacrifice are just two of the 17 values that he outlines in this new book. Rich’s writing style is easy and the lessons are long lasting – be sure to pick up a copy today!

Guests: Rich Stearns

Ministry/ Workplace: World Vision

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