Posts tagged gods purpose for your life
Equipping Christians for Kingdom Purpose in their Work

Having founded a church and worked in the marketplace, Tom Lutz has a unique vantage point on faith integration. Join us in today’s show as Tom discusses finding your purpose, faith in the marketplace, and vocational discipleship!

As a young believer, Tom thought he needed to go to seminary to serve in ministry. Seminaries often teach on the importance of discipleship within the Church, but rarely discipleship within the workplace. After some years, Tom acknowledged that his real calling was to the marketplace. But, despite feeling like God was calling him there, it took him quite a while to not feel like God frowned on that decision. His new book, Equipping Christians for Kingdom Purpose in their Work, is a “how to” book that answers practical questions like:

1.     Who are you?

2.     What is your purpose?

3.     How will you fulfill your purpose?

Believers who integrate their faith at work are more engaged as church members and Followers of Christ. That’s why it is our goal to help start vocational discipleship across the Nation!

For a chance to win a copy of Tom’s book call our listener line at 866-713-9675!

Guests: Thomas Lutz

Ministry/ Workplace: Convene

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