Your Work Can Be More Than A J-O-B

When we first relocated to Florida almost 20 years ago, Martha took a job in insurance since that was our area of expertise.  She was gifted in it and learned a lot but it was evident that it was not her calling, it was a j-o-b.  She eventually ended up running the bookstore where we attended church.  This job used many of the skills that she had accumulated over the years and allowed her to nurture her staff and customers, this was a calling. 

Do you have a job or a calling? A job is something you do, often for compensation. A calling defines who you are and what you are created to do.

So, what is your calling? Have you ever taken the time to consider the answer to that question? Does your calling change as you get older?

There are many ways to figure out what the calling is on your life:

  1. Pray and ask the Lord to help you figure it out.

  2. Ask those who know you best what they see as your natural gifting and calling.

  3. Take some assessments – I love

It's important to note that our skill sets don't define our calling, but they can allow us to complete our calling. For Instance, I like to talk. I like to sell.  I love to clean up messes. I love to build relationships. Those four skills can be applied in almost any organizational situation and have served me well in many of my jobs. Still, my overall calling has always centered on discipling newer believers and challenging them with the steps to take their faith deeper.

My calling assignment, specifically in this season of my life, is to equip and encourage workplace believers to understand that their workplace is a mission field for them and a place of ministry.

Do you wonder what your calling assignment is?  It’s never too late to explore and ask God to show you. Take a look at the steps above and start seeking the answers.

God has placed you in your current position at work for a purpose. How does your calling fit into that?  Sometimes it’s hard to understand.  We often look at our work as just a j-o-b, instead of a specific assignment from God. It’s possible that He is preparing you for something.  Don’t miss the opportunity He is giving you today.

Ask yourself these questions:

Why does God have you where He has you?

Why does God have you doing what you are doing?

Why has God placed you with the people you are doing them with?

With Prayer, wise counsel, and some research, you can understand who God created you to be, what He created you to be doing, and what your current assignment is. Then you will look at your work as more than just a j-o-b but also your calling. God has called you, are you listening?

Chip Roper with the Voca Center has a great perspective on this topic.  His interview with iWork4Him can help prepare you for your next day at work or your next career move. 

Don’t quit your j-o-b but ask God to help you see the calling at your job.  Maybe it’s been there all along and you haven’t been looking for it. For more encouragement in making your workplace your mission field, join the iWork4Him Nation.


About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!