Salvaged - a For Profit Ministry

I have run several of my own companies – including an insurance agency and car dealership.  If you run a business, and are a Jesus Follower, you are the lead minister in your business. You have the opportunity to turn your company into a for-profit ministry.  Yes, you should make money and do it with excellence, but you are also there to minister to the people that God places in your path each and every day, including your employees, customers, vendors, city officials, stockholders, etc. Our country needs more for-profit businesses that understand that they are actually a For-Profit ministry. Or as we like to call them, a Biznistry.(Shout out to Chuck Proudfit from )

I am super excited to announce that our new PowerPods are being released on our regular podcast platform – 2 per week. These PowerPods are the highlight reel sections of past shows – the real meat of the show in a little over 12 minutes.  The very first PowerPod is about a guy named Roy Goble. He wrote the book Salvaged: Leadership Lessons Pulled from the Junkyard.  Roy grew up in a rare and privileged home where the family business, the salvage yard, was known as a For-Profit Ministry. Roy’s dad understood, decades, ago what you and I are grasping to understand today. 

Here's some facts about American Family run business:

·        There are over 5.5 Million family run businesses in this country.

·        36% of the population proclaims that they are born again believers in Jesus.

·        Roughly 1.98 million Christian family run businesses.

Imagine when they all know and understand that they are running a family run for-profit Biznistry, our country will be on a path to healing. Please pass this blog along to one of your friends running a family owned business with this link: iWork4Him - Wisdom from the Junkyard. (subscribe and get all of the shows on Apple Podcast)

In the trenches together, Jim

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!