The good ole days!

The good ole’ days.  I recall my parents using that term when I was young and now I find myself using it:  Remember the good old days when you could:

  1. Hop in your car and drive anywhere you wanted

  2. Shop at any store from early till late

  3. Where you could gather with friends

  4. Where the country was focused on self

  5. Where going to work meant leaving your home

  6. Where a virus was 24hours and it was a little inconvenient

  7. Where unemployment was non-existent and jobs were everywhere

  8. Where you could wait to buy toilet paper until you needed it.

Ah, the good old days.  Where life was crazy busy and you had little time for family. Where you had time to worry about which sporting events to attend and who was driving to practice…Yeah…Those days…may be gone forever but these new days bring a greater dependence on God, a greater importance on Family, less dependence on Self and a burgeoning community connected around the world by the internet. 

Life may never be the same, and that is good don’t you think?  Where there is pain, the Lord has a healing salve for your heart and soul, it is His word. Where there is hopelessness and despondency, there is Jesus.  Where there is uncertainty of direction and clarity, we have the Holy Spirit who is our God mentor/counselor. 

Life has changed but God has not and the ultimate plan is still in place…to rescue as many humans as possible before the end.  People are more ready now than ever, and every day, they are more open to Him because they see less hope in themselves. 

Remember the good old days but look ahead with anticipation, and cherish our remaining days.  Philippians 3: 12-15


About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!