What will you be remembered for?

2 Chron. 7:14

2 Chron. 7:14

In the midst of the current “crazy” – be ENCOURAGED!  What? you ask.  Encouraged?  How can I be encouraged?

Well, it seems like every time I hop on social media this week I see two things.  Those that are allowing fear to get the best of them and turning ugly and those that are leaning into their faith in Jesus and trusting God.  We don’t have it all figured out, and the cheese keeps moving – but I do know this…the body of Christ is digging deep, helping others, and asking the God of all Creation to give them peace in the storm (and the world is watching). 

How does this translate to our work and living out our faith?  Great question.  Start by asking yourself this question, “What can God refine in me and what will my co-workers remember from this crisis?” 

Will you be remembered for your panic or your peace.  Your wise cracks or your wisdom.  Your hoarding or your helping.  Your isolation or your love.  Your rebellion or your flexibility.  Your pride or your kindness. Your greed or your generosity.   Your false strength or your GOD.

As humans we will experience fear and frustration but what will define us?  Please pray with me that God will show us where we need to be refined and allow Him to work.

God, I don’t understand all that’s happening right now in our world, but I trust you.  This situation is not in my control, but I trust you.  Allow me to be your hands and feet to a broken world.  Give me your eyes to see the needs around me.  Give me your feet to carry your LOVE to the lost and lonely (through technology).  Thank you for technology that keeps us connected and gives us the ability to share your HOPE and also access what we need.  Lord, I pray for our leaders.  Give them wisdom as they make decisions.   From the White House to the boardrooms to the homes across our Country and around the world, may you be the one we lean on.  Bring the world closer to you.  Today I ask that you show me what you want to teach me.  Make me teachable.  I’m sorry for my moments of doubt and discouragement.  Thank you for never changing, always the same – yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Help me to trust you for my tomorrow.  In Jesus’ name – AMEN.

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

John 14:27 (NLT)

About the Author, Martha Brangenberg

Born into an entrepreneurial family, Martha has been involved in small business her entire life. Gifted with an attention to detail and a sweet sensitive spirit, Martha is a servant leader with a deep faith in Jesus.