3 ways to impact your workplace in 2021

Who makes the most impact in the workplace? Is it the management? The Business Owner? Or someone else? Have you ever considered that YOU may have the most impact to create a flourishing environment at your work?  It just takes a little appreciation know-how.

Chuck Swindoll says “Gratitude is a decision of the will, and if a decision of the will, the choice resides squarely with us. Deciding to be thankful is no easy task. It takes work.” 

Using appreciation as a tool in your work, takes practice. Appreciating others is a mindset AND a heart-set shift. Most of us WANT and NEED appreciation, regardless of what form it comes in. Is the art of appreciation a part of your work style? What about your leadership style? Have you considered the value of your words to those you lead?  Each of us can impact those around us for the good or the bad. 

Dr. Paul White recently said, “To those who value words of affirmation, criticism feels like a knife in the heart.”  I can relate to that.  I recall many times when I’ve worked hard to complete a project and the first words I heard were criticism.  It really did feel like a knife in the heart.  Now, it’s true that we need to be honest and give constructive feedback towards improvement.  I don’t want people to sugar coat things for me when I need to be corrected.  But Dr. Paul White teaches us how to do that while also showing appreciation.

To learn the languages of appreciation for yourself and others, visit this website:  Appreciation at work  When we started using these tools in our business, everyone started seeing big change.  Co-workers learned how to communicate with each other, staff started feeling more appreciated, and the culture improved.   Everyone learned that their job title doesn’t create impact, what we DO and how we show appreciation for those around us creates impact. 

Now is the time to set goals for the new calendar year.  Consider what you can do to create impact in your work.  Here’s 3 easy steps to get ready for 2021.

1.     Learn your language of Appreciation online.

2.     Apply the results

3.     Make an impact every day.

Dr. Paul White and his chief book editor, wife Kathy White, recently share their best nuggets on a recent iWork4Him PowerPod, from his books, chief among them is The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, which he co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman (author of the #1 NY Times bestseller, The 5 Love Languages). Dr. Paul is a psychologist, author, speaker, and consultant who “makes work relationships work”. For the past 20 years, he’s improved numerous businesses, schools, government agencies and non-profit organizations by helping them:

  • Create positive workplace relationships and improve staff morale.

  • Eliminate the cynicism, sarcasm and lack of trust that often is associated with traditional employee recognition programs.

  • Overcome the obstacles to help staff communicate authentic appreciation to one another.

God wants to use you to change your workplace culture, and he will empower you to do so. To hear the incredible stories of more men and women God used to make a Kingdom impact at work, download the first chapter of our new books iWork4Him and sheWorks4him for FREE.

And remember 1 Thes. 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

I appreciate YOU,

Martha Brangenberg

About the Author, Martha Brangenberg

Born into an entrepreneurial family, Martha has been involved in small business her entire life. Gifted with an attention to detail and a sweet sensitive spirit, Martha is a servant leader with a deep faith in Jesus.