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The "iWork4Him Nation' Convenant - Tenet FOUR

All along be a person of excellence in your workplace - the #1 employee in your position

I don't know about you, but excellence is rare in the workplaces of America. When you receive excellent service from a waiter, clerk, housekeeper or even an online purchase - does it take your breath away, it does mine?

As Jesus followers, what if excellence described everything about the work we do?

In our workplace, we should be the number one employee in our position. Everything we do should not just meet the standards we've agreed to, but exceed those expectations.

Excellence in our workplace needs to be demonstrated by those who have been given everything to live for. That's us Jesus followers, and that's why it's a part of the iWork4Him Nation Covenant.

Is your work mediocre? Does your performance evaluation include the phrase "meets expectations"? That just won't fly for a Jesus follower. Let's try to get "exceeds expectations" on the next one and do excellent work today!

Be excellent!

Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!