sW4H 13 | Lynn Ewonaitis: Bold Faith In The Everyday

Memorial dedication:

Dec 10, 1960 – Nov. 20, 2021

At the time of this recording Lynn Ewonaitis, the guest was fighting a battle against leukemia. But, with God’s favor, Lynn had a very good day for this interview, and you get to hear a little piece of her testimony and love for Jesus.

We are so grateful for the friendship we found in Lynn and how she wore Jesus on her sleeve for all to meet. On November 20, 2021, Lynn got to meet Jesus face-to-face and is finally healed.

Guests: Lynn Ewonaitis

YouTube Video Interview

Lynn Ewonaitis came to know Jesus because He was calling her. A “chance” meeting with Jim Brangenberg - our host, Martha’s husband - led to a conversation about having a personal relationship with Christ. After that, Lynn began reading the Bible and discovered what it meant to have Jesus as a friend. From praying with clients at the Christian radio station where she worked to speaking kind words even when she doesn’t feel like it, Lynn is learning daily how to live her life so that people can’t help but see Jesus.  

Today, Lynn’s workplace looks a little different. Her full-time job is going to doctor appointments and preparing for a bone marrow transplant to treat her leukemia. During this season, she is praying over the outcome of medical tests and showing Jesus’ love to the nurses that take care of her. It’s not easy, but God has given her a gift in life to live boldly, and she’s doing exactly that every day. 

Resources from today’s show:

The verse Lynn shared today was Psalm 139:1-4. The word of the Lord is powerful, and Lynn has tapped into that power by giving away dozens of Gospels of John through The Pocket Testament League.  It’s what led her to Christ, and her hope is that it will do the same for those she shares it with. 

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