Navigating Life with God

Margaret Fitzwater, the Executive Director of Training, Development, and Care for the Navigators, attributes her strong faith and Christ-centered leadership to having good life rhythms. Particularly daily time in the Word – journal and pen in hand – and observing a weekly Sabbath where she focuses on life-giving activities. This dedication to allowing the Word of God to be a part of her life (not just overlaying it) is Margaret’s key to leadership!

At Navigators, Margaret leads five teams that train over 2,700 staff. This means that creating a sense of belonging is mission-critical! Being virtual is a challenge for building that culture, but her teams have learned to invest the time and effort to make sure that every staff member feels seen and heard. Margaret shares so much wisdom with us in today’s show, but the bottom line is that following Jesus is a different way of life than the world’s way.

Guests: Margaret Fitzwater

Ministry/ Workplace: The Navigators

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