The Key to Business Done Right


Seth Buechley is an entrepreneur through and through. He has sold two businesses, written a book, runs a consulting business, and has a podcast called Business Done Right, which can be found on the Awaken Podcast Network. Today, we talk with Seth about gratitude adjustments, the importance of mentorship, and how to share our faith with CONFIDENCE.

Seth’s dad had a mentor whose motto was: In God’s world, business done right is a blessing. This motto has characterized and shaped not only Seth’s dad’s work but also Seth’s work over the years (I mean, look at his podcast name). Serving as an example of the longstanding legacy of a good and godly mentor. In today’s show, Seth challenges our listeners to look for their own mentors by prayerfully seeking four things.   Seth is giving away a copy of his new book, Ambition: Leading with Gratitude, by calling our listener line at 866-713-9675 (WORK).

Guests: Seth Buechley

Ministry/ Workplace: Cathedral Consulting

YouTube Video Interview

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