Leadership Lesson with Ellie

Our “SheWorks4Him” Radio Series rolled on today as iWork4Him National Brand Ambassador, Caroline Mendez, and Martha powered the hour with guest Ellie Nieves to learn about Ellie’s lessons on leadership and to get her thoughts on women in leadership roles. 

Ellie is a legislative lawyer, politician, business woman, a breast cancer survivor, and the founder of Leadership Strategies for Women – a company that develops webinars and seminars that teach women to show up, speak up, and step up in their careers. Ellie was inspired to launch Leadership Strategies for Women in an effort to mentor other working women from a place of partnership and collaboration.   

Ellie Nieves is a Contributor to Chapter 8 of The sheWorks4Him Field Manual. 

Featured Guest: Ellie Nieves  

Workplace/Ministry: Leadership Strategies for Women