Memory Stones

In a recent sermon at our church titled : “What do you do when God feels far away?”, Our pastor said that sometimes God feels far away because we don’t remember what He has done in the past.

Joshua 4:1 - 7 tells us of the memory stones...God told the Israelites to build a memorial so future generations will see and be reminded of what God did for them.

We can practice this type of remembering in many ways: scroll through your memories on Facebook, read old journals, or sit around the table and reminisce. We also do things like purchase souvenirs from a trip, buy a t-shirt at a concert, or eat a corndog – because we remember a time as a kid when we had one.

What have you seen God do in your family, work, or neighborhood that you need to remember? Do you have a bulletin board of photos? Do you have a trophy case or scrapbook from high school? What about the trinkets that sit on your desk to remind you of your kids?

At iWork4Him we want to recall a few MEMORY STONES and celebrate what God has done!

Impactful Guests on 1450+ shows that demonstrate connecting their faith + work

Testimony after testimony of listeners that are learning to carry their faith into their work each day

Six and a half years of radio and podcast production

Show sponsors that faithfully support the broadcast

Open doors to travel and attend dozens of faith and work events

Hundreds of listeners join the iWork4Him Nation

Changed lives and workplace cultures

For more memory stones, scroll through our Facebook page and podcasts

Let’s not forget what God has done for us in the past, and then look forward to what’s ahead.

About the Author, Martha Brangenberg

Born into an entrepreneurial family, Martha has been involved in small business her entire life. Gifted with an attention to detail and a sweet sensitive spirit, Martha is a servant leader with a deep faith in Jesus.