7/11/22 - Co-Host Catch Up

Intro: As a Christian working woman, you have many roles from your responsibility with family and friends to community and work. How do you connect all that you do with all that you are, and still have your faith shine through. It's a challenge, but you are up to it. The, sheWorks4Him, podcast it at the gathering place to empower Christian working women, to live out their calling at work.

By connecting them to God resources and each other through powerful faith stories from other working sisters in Christ. Welcome to sheWorks4Him.

Martha: You've tuned into, sheWorks4Him, where we connect Christian, working women to God resources and one another. And we are your host, Martha Brangenberg, Nadya Dickson and Catherine Gates.

And today is gonna be so much fun. I just feel like it's this co-host catch up is what I am calling it today. Just a time where we can sit together and you can pull up your, get your cup of coffee or whatever your drink of choice might be and sit with us and chat and. I am so looking forward to that, but just a reminder that you can stay connected with us all the time at sheworksforhim.com.

We have a place where you can sign up to get the weekly email, and also let us know if there are resources that are either of value to you that we have not talked about. Or an event that maybe, you know, that's coming up in the space that might be an encouragement or a help to the sheWorks4Him listening audience, and you can always keep finding us on YouTube and Instagram and all the social media platforms, LinkedIn.

I know that that is a great place to hang out, to meet other Christian working women as well. So there's just so many choices, but we are just grateful to connect with you. A couple of things in the resource area for events coming up. I just wanna remind everybody that the boldly conference is October 21st, at boldlyconference.com and then I'm wanna encourage everybody connect to women in the marketplace at womeninmarketplace.net.

And Nadya, is the best place priorityliving.org. Is that where people should connect with you?

Nadya: Master's program mastersprogramforwomen.org.

Martha: That's right. And that will take you right there and we'll have that in the show notes for everybody, but those are just great resources we don't get, take a lot of time to highlight and we want to, and we always wanna have those in the show notes and accessible to you. So thank you so much for telling us about those events and we'll keep them coming. You know, women - that's who we are and that's who we are here for. We come in all shapes and sizes.

There's no two of us that are alike, and some women love to be around others that are just like them. And some love to surround themselves with the unfamiliar. We may think about age, race, occupation, personality, location, whatever that might be when we're trying to describe a woman to someone else. The reality is we are all created in the image of God.

And we are daughters of the king and, you know, he made each one of us to be incredibly unique. And as I think about how unique we are, here are some of the things that I know for sure. Women love to celebrate our differences and our similarities. Women can feel alone in a crowd and feel surrounded by loved ones.

Women share great emotions and stress. Women can lift others up. And sometimes we tear them down. Women are ever changing. If we aren't growing, then we're fading away. We can love to be noisy or quiet. We have a desire to become better versions of ourselves as we help others to do the same. And just when someone thinks they've figured us out life changes, but what doesn't change? How God sees us. We are daughters of that most high King.

God created us on purpose for a purpose. Do we always understand what that is? No. Does it always stay the same? No, but what I do know is that he cares deeply about the intimate details of our lives at home, at work and in our communities. Today I get to be joined to dig into some of these truths with my co-host Nadya Dickson and Catherine Gates.

So I wanna invite you to pull up a chair and join us as we catch up on what God has been teaching each one of us and how we might help each other in the process, because that is what we are here for; to connect Christian, working women, to God resources and one another Nadya, and Catherine, thank you so much for just joining me in this little, you know, co-host chat as we are gonna call it today.

Catherine: It's so great to be together.

Nadya: Yeah, this is a favorite time because it's been a while since the three of us did this.

Martha: Yes, it has. And you know, that's, one of the things I love about you guys is that, you know and have met so many amazing women that we always keep saying, oh, let's have all these other guests.

And sometimes we just wanna get together for a cup of coffee. And one of the things that I was thinking about when we were getting together is the fact. Do you ever, you know, meet a friend somewhere and you're like, we only have this amount of time and you're like, I wanna make sure we cover all these things and do all these things?

And, and then not leave feeling like, oh man, I meant to ask her this question or that, and that's kind of how I feel about today. So I wanna dig, jump in right away and have a, a great conversation with you guys, which I know we will. But I believe that this first set of questions is really gonna help us better connect to God through what he's been teaching us.

So, Nadya, what is the scripture that God has just really been using in your life right now? And what are you learning from it?

Nadya: Okay. Well, there's so many scriptures that I love and hang onto and lean into, but I would say. One that really sums up the last while for us, me, even with my time with you guys.

And some of the women that we've interacted with is Psalm 138 verses seven and eight. And as though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me. You will stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies and your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. That's the big, that's the big highlight of that scripture verse.

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me, your mercy Lord endures forever. And the reason why that really that really empowers me right now is that it seems like I am walking in the midst of chaos. You know, that things are shaking all around me, but the truth of the matter is I'm still in the Palm of his hand.

And even though I can't see all the things in the invisible realm, I feel them, I sense them. I see the results of them in the natural, but the truth of the matter is he perfects the things that concern me. I'm still in his hand. And so he has me. He's got this and we are co-laboring together, but he sees the things that I do not see. And so I feel covered and protected in that, and it becomes a refuge for other people around me because of that.

Catherine: Yeah.

Martha: That's so good.

Nadya: Yeah. What about you, Catherine? Is there a passage of scripture that God's been putting on your heart or that you've been leaning into?

Catherine: You know, Nadya there is, and it, so lines up with what you just said. The verse that's been standing out to me recently is Isaiah 26:3. You keep her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because she trusts in you, right? It's that piece that we need right now. And I, I know that I'm not alone in like navigating a multitude of demands that are coming at me right now.

Right. Some personal challenges. And of course, you know, doing my best to stay focused when we've got this onslaught of disturbing and tragic news coming at us. I, you know what the thing is, it's just not gonna do me or anyone else, any good if I'm distracted by those things or, you know, overwhelmed by fear.

And the thing is it's times like these, that we actually have the greatest opportunity to point others to Jesus, isn't it? Yes. So when I'm able to stay centered in God's peace, it provides the people around me with hope and encouragement. And when I have God's peace, then I also have a lot better access to his wisdom.

Right. A lot better ability to hear his voice. And so you know, if I'm freaking out, I, I just know that the choices I make are not gonna be the best , but staying in a place of peace and trusting in God helps me stay tuned into the leading of the holy spirit. What about you, Martha? What's your go-to verse right now?

Martha: So I have really been focusing on Hebrews 4, the whole chapter. It's been given to Jim and I, my husband, and I've just, and I love the passion translation and the heading for it is the faith-rest life. And I don't have that figured out. I struggle with rest and I I'm learning that rest looks different for everyone.

I enjoy gardening and cooking and those things give me rest from the other things in my life. So for me, it's not necessarily sedentary. But God is just showing me the obedience that he requires of us and in that area and the promises that come as a result. So I don't have it figured out.

I read it every day. I, you know, that's just where I have been focusing, but I know that one of the things that when, when COVID and, and lockdown and everything first happened, I relished in the fact that the calendar was clear. And I also said, I have no doubt in my mind that as soon as this is over, everybody's gonna fill their calendars back up.

And I feel like it's been, become more chaotic. I love that you said that word, Catherine. It resonated with me. Life is - there's so much chaos. And so trying to just say, okay Lord, what is it that you're trying to show me? And so Hebrews 4 has been my go to verse. You know, I love being able to share verses because that is what we need to fix our mind on.

And that is a resource that is always there for us. And we talk about connecting each other to resources. And that's one of the things that, you know, as friends, as, as coworkers, as sisters saying, you know, this verse is really. Either I don't get it. I need to understand it. Help me. Or it's really convicting me or it's really giving me that refreshment, that reminder of peace, whatever it might be.

So it's so good to, you know, hear what God is speaking to each one of you right now. You are listening to sheWorks4Him. We're gonna take a quick break and be right back in just a moment.

Break: Did you know that God has a calling on your life? It's true. He's called you to bring Jesus to the world. For some that may look like a pulpit or a foreign mission field, but for most of us, it looks like a construction site, a cubicle, a hospital, or a classroom.

Wherever it is that you work, live, volunteer, and invest. That is your mission field. To learn more about integrating your faith into your work in retirement. Check out our books. iWork4Him. sheWorks4Him and iRetire4Him by going to iWork4Him.com/bookstore.

Martha: Welcome back to sheWorks4Him where today we're having the co-host catch up a time where the three of us just get to get together and talk about what God is doing in our lives, how he's impacting us, where he is growing us or convicting.

And sharing those Bible verses is just such a great way to jump right in. You know, I just wanna talk about the fact that, you know, this is episode 45 for, sheWorks4Him. So incredibly hard to believe that this little idea now we're at 45 episodes and we have shared some amazing life stories of how God is using Christian, working women in different ways.

So, Catherine, I would love to hear from you, what is an episode that's really impacted you heavily, that you've drawn from? That's helped you in some way.

Catherine: Gosh, Martha, that's such a tough question. Yes. Right. It's like asking, what's your favorite song? You know, I've loved learning from all of our amazing guests and it's been so amazing to learn and get to know these inspiring women that I may, some of whom I may not have otherwise had the opportunity to know.

So I would definitely encourage our listeners to go back and review all of the shows and listen to as many as you can, because they, the stories are truly amazing. But for me, I have to say one that stands out right now is Kelley Johnson explaining where we often fall short of, of our efforts to address diversity equity, inclusion, or DEI.

And I've thought a lot and talked a lot about her insight, that many of the DEI efforts stop short at the surface level. You know, like making sure that we have a diversity of people on a team. But it doesn't go to the place where we really need in our organizations and in our communities. we need cultural transformation and, you know, all of us have a responsibility and I think she really drove that home so well.

And especially as Christ followers, right? To be an example to others of what it looks like to truly create spaces in which everybody's respected for the new gifts that they bring and the talents they contribute. And where everyone can thrive, where everyone can thrive. We need to lead the way as Christ followers in breaking down those biases that obstruct the dignity for all.

So we can really operate more as the body of Christ in our workplaces. And I'm excited that Kelley and others will actually be sharing on this topic at the boldly conference, that faith and work conference for women by women happening on October 21st. Nadya. What about you thinking back over the past nine months of shows, what's one story that really touched you in a special way?

Nadya: Wow. You know, I was thinking through all of them and there's so, so many inspiring stories. I would say that probably the first one that I co-hosted with Martha and that was Jene Dunn.

And this was just coming off the year of the nurse. So Jene was leading the COVID unit at her hospital and not just dealing with, you know, the the tragedy of what was happening with her patients, but also her nurses and her practitioners that were on the front lines.

There was just a lot of there was just so many challenging things and yet in all of that The lesson that she learned, even as, you know, we're, we're taught to be resilient and strong as women, but it was in her vulnerability and her authenticity in her leadership with her team that helped them get through it all together, even amidst all of that trauma and just being that servant leader that she was with her practitioners and then, and then having them all be led and motivated by a personal mission statement that they carried with them every day to work on the front lines. I would say that was probably one of the most impactful ones. Just hearing what she was in the midst of, how she leaned into God, and just her vulnerability and her transparency with her, with her team.

I think sometimes as women. We feel pressure to just have a strong front and, you know, face forward. And not show areas of weakness because we think that that's going to impact the way our leadership is perceived. But the truth is we were designed uniquely by God, in our influence and in our leadership.

And it's through those times of just being vulnerable and transparent, it's counter cultural. If you're talking about the world culture, but in the kingdom of God, the first is last and the last is first. The least is the greatest. And so I think that really challenged me and inspired me to be bold about vulnerability.

Catherine: Mm that's so good.

Nadya: Martha, what about you? What's a way that God really surprised you over these last episodes?

Martha: Well, you know, a little behind the scenes to kind of help the listeners is the fact. Okay. Kind of put yourself in our shoes. We are trying to, we record our shows on one day for multiple shows.

So we're, we're taking a bunch of Christian working women trying to fix their calendars into one day, make it all happen. You know, and, and not have cuz there's just so much behind the scenes. It has to go with that, that it works great to do it that way. Sometimes there are things that come up, not very often.

We did have a guest that broke their leg and you know, we're like, oh, we're so, I mean, you know, yeah, no. In the moment that is not the thing you need to be doing is recording a podcast. But what God really surprised me with, I guess, is that in the midst of all those logistics, we had a time where someone could not be our guest and God showed up in an amazing way.

And he allowed one of our other guests that was already scheduled. Her calendar was clear to stay on and do that very famous dr. Dobson technique where you're like, can you stay on for another episode? Because I think there's a whole lot more here we need to talk about. And so we actually had played a part one and a part two with Angela Mitchell. I think the other part of this is that it's no surprise to us that life is hard. Life is full of challenges, but what do we see on social media?

We see the perfect. We see the polished. We see the, the fixed, you know, aspect of life and what we get to do on sheWorks4Him is share how God has worked through the adversity and through the hardships and the yes, a lot of them are on the other side of that adversity when we're talking about the story, but that doesn't mean that's the last adversity we're gonna have.

And so being able to be really real and very raw and share, you know, we've had guests that have had attempted suicide or had suicide in their family or have lost jobs or, you know, at so many things, lost a husband, had issues with their children, real life issues that hurt and are hard, but see, being able to share what God has redeemed because of the story that he is writing and how much more effective those women can be for the kingdom.

I think that's, what's really, you know, I shouldn't be surprised, but I I'm, I'm in awe when, when it happens and it's so much different than we had planned because this was our little structure, but we always pray that the holy spirit will guide our conversation.

And I truly believe he's done that in some amazing ways. So when we come back, I wanna dig a little bit deeper into just, you know, what more is going on in you guys' lives and how God is you know, just shaping each one of us. So we'll be right, right back with more sheWorks4Him with the co-host catch up. Catherine Gates, Nadya Dickson and Martha Brangenberg will be right back.

Break: Hey listeners. One of the huge projects Martha and I have been working on for years is making it easy for every workplace believer to find all the voices, speaking, encouragement, and equipping into the faith and work movement, presenting the Awaken Podcast Network online at awakenpodcastnetwork.com with over 130 different podcast voices speaking truth into you, the workplace believer. Including over 30 podcast, dedicated to Christian working women. Go online to AwakenPodcastNetwork.com that's awaken podcast network.com.

Martha: Welcome back to sheWorks4Him for the cohost catch up with Catherine Nadya and myself. And, you know, in this last segment, I really want to give the women a takeaway. So Catherine, God has given you a platform for a specific message around confidence. You've written a book on it and you just, God really has pierced that on your heart. So take some time right now to just share something with us that you believe the Christian working woman needs to hear today.

Catherine: Sure. Thanks so much, Martha. You know, I really want women, I want you listeners to know you're not alone. It doesn't all depend on you. And the key for, for each of us is that we're not the only ones that have been dismissed or have been treated unfairly. There are systemic issues that we need to acknowledge and address together.

And when we do, we're not only improving things for ourselves, but everyone around us, men and women. So we need to start by knowing, knowing who we are in Christ, shifting what we put our identity in, from our experience, accomplishments, our past, to putting our identity in Christ, really knowing who you are in Christ. Knowing that you are God's masterpiece, you are his handy work created in Christ Jesus to do good works that he prepared ahead of time that you would walk in in them.

And that he's not gonna leave you alone. Your part is to believe what God says about you, not what the enemy says, right? Not what other people say, but what God says about you - to seek him first and to walk with him continually so that you can take steps of faith as God leads you. And, and finally, I just wanna say we need community.

We were not created to do work or life, any part of life on our own. So I just wanna encourage you to find community with other Christian working women and keeping Christ at the center. You know, Hebrews 10:24 -25 says, let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works. Not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another all the more as you see the day drawing near. The enemy wants nothing more than for us to be isolated.

We need to make sure that we are reaching out to one another and encouraging one another. So, Nadya, what about you? What's a word that God is pressing you to share with Christian working women right now?

Nadya: Well, the word that I've been given for 2022 is empower. And I just want to reaffirm everything that you just said. You know, there's so much power to what you said about us being in community.

It's very, really, really important. And you've heard people, you've heard the state, the statement, you know, hurting people, hurt people. Well, that's right. Empowered women empower women. Oh. And so when I think about the word empower I know I, it's still a discovery process for me this year. Lord, what is all of that?

You know, unpack that for me. And it really, it is about being empowered in him first. That's where our confidence comes from, right. It's through our identity as his daughters and through the authority that he's given us. And first Corinthians 4:20 says that the kingdom of God is not a matter of word, but of power.

And so it's him in me, Christ in me, the hope of glory. And so as I meditate on him in the morning and I am empowered in him and who he made me to be, it's that, that stirs and informs the confidence, which is our confidence in Christ that helps us empower and release other women around us, where we don't have to shrink back.

Catherine: Amen.

We are in overjoy to see other women stepping up and stepping out in their God given identity and we cheer each other on. Like you said, we spur one another on to good works and to assemble with each other. So that word for me, has been empower.

Nadya: Martha, God has been showing you a lot of deep lessons right now that we don't always translate well in our natural world, our physical world, but what is it that he's been showing you and how can we learn more from that?

Martha: Mm-hmm . You know, it's funny. Sometimes you think, okay, well, well we could do a whole nother show or in our case, you know, sit around for a whole nother time at a, at a coffee shop or wherever we would wanna meet. But we know that we don't have that right now. So I would say the big thing for me is, has been, you know, letting go of some things that in the, in the flesh don't necessarily always make sense.

God has been in our personal life, letting go of, you know, some real estate and trusting God's timing and all of that, and not knowing necessarily what the future holds. And and I have always wanted to walk in obedience and our ministry. iWork4Him. That Jim and I, my husband and I run together has always been about that.

Just taking that next step of obedience, whatever that might be. So God's just really been honing in on that for me. And, but it was interesting because one of our recent, my recent guests, Heather Heuman was on, sheWorks4Him and she posted on social media, this quote. And I thought okay - this is, this is something I need to learn a little bit more.

She said when God says, and I know she was referring to something in her own life, and she actually talked about that on the podcast. But she said, when God says to let something go, but your pride says to keep going, there's really only is one right choice.

And then she put hashtag God'sWay. So not our own way. And, and so really that's been the, the steps that I've been walking through in life is saying, you know, God, what is it that you want from me? And what is it that I'm holding onto that I need to let go of? And one of those things is where we're gonna end the show today.

And that is that for the first time ever taking a season break from a podcast. So we started, sheWorks4Him officially launched labor day of 2021. And this is not the end, but it is the end of a season, much like we have TV shows and we have, you know, other things that have a season. I think about, I, you know, I have roots in Florida. So snowbirds, you know, they're there for a season, then they go back and then they come back again. So it's kind of like, we're being little snowbirds.

Like we, we're not gonna sit around and have this chat for a couple of months, but we will again, and we don't know what that date's gonna be yet. So we I'm just asking for prayer, for wisdom, for us to make good choices. Our time is a resource. Our hearts are a resource. The, the efforts that go into creating a podcast, all of those things you know, just lifting up, up to the Lord and saying, what do you want from us? And what is our next season supposed to look like?

So, so sheWorks4Him, is taking a season break. This is the last episode for a while. And, but if you, I just wanna remind everybody, if you go to, sheWorks4Him.com. You can sign up for our newsletter. And in that, you'll be the first to know when new episodes are coming out. And I'm guessing that people haven't absorbed all 45 that we've done, right?

So there is such great content. We'll still be posting that stuff on social media. All the, the YouTube channel is there to watch. All of that will still be accessible and available. Please, please listen to some of these women's stories. And hear. In the, in the right timing, I believe a lot of times God gives us a podcast.

It may have been recorded six months ago or six years ago, but it'll surface and it will have impact where it's needed to. Right. So, you know, that I have, this is such a joy to do this with both of you, Catherine and Nadya, and God has given us this opportunity to have a little cohost catch up and to kind of wrap up the season with some highlights.

And I'm grateful for you sharing your hearts about what God's doing in your lives. And, and we know that that continues through the summer through whatever season we're in that God, you know, the word of God is living and breathing. And that is the resource. Our relationship with him and the word that he gives us are our most important resources for that relationship.

So thank you so much for getting to have this catch up time together. I hope that our listeners have enjoyed getting to hear a little bit of from your heart and what the future holds. And, you know, there are other women podcasts out there too. And I wanna remind people, they can go to AwakenPodcastNetwork.com and find all kinds of podcasts that are speaking into this conversation of faith and work, whether it's co-ed or female or whatever it might be.

There's lots of resources there. Yeah, because that's what we wanna do is continue to learn how to integrate our faith in all that we do. So thank you ladies so very much for such a great season.

Catherine: Oh, it's been wonderful, Martha. Thank you.

Nadya: You bet, such a privilege, such an honor.

Martha: Thank you. You've been listening to, sheWorks4Him with your hosts, Martha Brangenberg, Nadya Dickson, and Catherine Gates. We're Christian working women, helping other Christian working women to live out their calling at work as sheWorks4Him!

Outro: As Christian women, we have many roles. From daughter, sister, friend, wife, and mother to analyst, accountant, executive or educator. Is it possible to balance our roles at work and home in a way that honors God? The answer is yes. And our new book, sheWorks4Him will help show you how. Written to celebrate, encourage and equip women in the workforce. sheWorks4Him. Discusses the diverse experiences of today's Christian working woman. Pick up a copy by going to iWork4Him.com/bookstore.

You've been listening to the, sheWorks4Him podcast with your host, Catherine Gates, Nadya Dickson, and Martha Brangenberg.

Please like us on Facebook and subscribe on YouTube under sheWorks4Him and to access any of the resources we mentioned on today's. See the show notes@sheworksforhim.com that's she works the number four, him.com. This podcast was created to empower you to live out your calling at works. So the world knows sheWorks4Him.

Martha Brangenberg