3/14/22 - Unconventional Business Women: Kimberly Wright

Intro: As a Christian working woman, you have many roles from your responsibility with family and friends to community and work. How do you connect all that you do with all that you are, and still have your face shine through. It's a challenge, but you are up to it. The, sheWorks4Him podcast at the gathering place to empower Christian working women, to live out their calling at work.

By connecting them to God resources and each other through powerful face stories from other working sisters in Christ. Welcome to sheWorks4Him.

You've tuned into, sheWorks4Him, where we

Martha: connect Christian, working women to God resources. And one of the. And today's a very special day where we're going to be talking about, um, an organization and a heart for women that I just I'm excited that we get to expose it and share it with our listeners.

So I hope you'll stay till the very end and hear all that God has for us in this conversation. I am your host, Martha Brangenberg, and you can find out more about, sheWorks4Him and sheWorks4Him. Dot com. And there, you can find all of the links to follow us on social media. Remember there is a YouTube channel.

sheWorks4Him. And I love that opportunity to watch the interviews, because as we been joking about lately, you know, women, we have a lot of expressions that you don't hear so that, you know, there might be so much going on behind the scenes while we're having a conversation together. So check out our YouTube channel and you can subscribe to.

You know, there are many ways to do business, but as has anyone ever suggested that you be unconventional? Well, the scripture is full of principles to apply to our business and our work in doing so. It is unconventional unconventional business that is now add to the equation that men and women are not the same.

God created us differently. We work well together, but we are unique and we have unique needs. Meeting the specific needs of men and women is critical for our flourishing. So when we put these two ideas together, we get unconventional business women, Kimberly Wright, as the new executive director for unconventional business women.

And she has a passion to see this conversation expand far and wide in the Midwest and beyond Kimberly, I want to welcome you to, she works for you.

Kimberly Wright: Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited to be a part. Thank you. Well, it

Martha: is my pleasure and you know, I have been aware of unconventional business and I'm not on our, um, partner, our umbrella show of I work for him.

We have interviewed Rick box there several times over the years, and we have a real heart for collaboration with unconventional business, but I love opening the door to the women aspect and we're going to dive deep into. As we go throughout this conversation, but first I wanted, I love to find out more about you intimately and the way that I feel best to do that is to understand why you became a follower of Jesus.

Kimberly Wright: No, I, I don't remember a time where I didn't, um, follow Jesus or at least try to, it was a very young immature faith, but I remember still vividly going down to the alter of the small country church that I grew up in when I was five years old and getting sick. And I didn't know. Scripture or the word or anything like that really growing up.

Um, but my faith was very real to me. I had a, a kind of a dysfunctional childhood and there was, you know, some tragedies in my childhood. And so Jesus was always very real. Um, and so I'm thankful for that growing into there's bumps along the way, but it has grown into an adult. Faith is what I like to call it.


Martha: that's great. You know, we are all grateful for the grace that we've been given for those bumps along the way. None of us, you know, we, we have an idea of what we think it might look like, but in our life we have a lot of lessons along the way. So with you having had a relationship with Jesus from such a very early age, did you always understand that your work mattered to God?

Or was there something that happened in your life that helped you to better understand.

Kimberly Wright: You know, I, I didn't, I was very much one of those that, you know, my, I tried to live, uh, you know, be good through the week and that my faith was really a Sunday 8:00 AM. I tried to love on people and be kind during the week, but there was no, um, There was no tie in into what I was doing.

And I started my first job that I'd ever had with a nonprofit was called citizens, caring for children. And we work with foster children and it was a Christian organization that we worked with these abused and neglected children. And that was the first hint that wow. Some of the things that we do can have an impact, you know, big picture for people.

And, um, and so that started, you know, my journey of learning that God cared about our work. So great. When

Martha: you have that, you know, foster the foster system, just being involved in that in any aspect, no matter what your job is there, um, voice such a huge role of being the hands and feet of Christ, for sure, to those hurting children in their families.

So over the years, I know we've talked previously and you've had a lot of different hats that you've worn in, in your work life. Um, what is one example of a time when you saw God show up in your work where you least expect it, and maybe it really, um, helped you to better see that connection of your faith in all that you did?

Kimberly Wright: Yeah. You know, I had one particular job where. You know, it really came alive because, you know, the, the nonprofit that I'd worked for, if it was, you know, kind of a ministry and in a sense, I mean, it was a business, but it was a ministry. So I had stepped into a role when we lived in Las Vegas as a administrator of an organization.

All of a sudden I was the, you know, responsible for 43 employees. And it was, um, I was coming in mid season of, you know, at a time where there had been a leader in there for seven years. And it was a, um, she had laughed under, you know, unhappy circumstance and there was just a lot of problems within the organization.

And so. I was so scared. I mean, I knew that God had called me to that position, but I will admit I was so fearful of everyone hates me from the get go. This is not, I'm not going to be easy at all. And I just prayed because I was like, Lord, I know you have called me to do this. This is beyond my ability. I need you in every step of the way.

And God, every day just sustained me and helped me to build relationships. One by one with each of these people. That created a whole new atmosphere and environment, and it was all just God's direction and favor. And there was some of the neatest things that God did for me. Like this one, um, one of the employees I asked if there was something that she needed, you know, Uh, her room, her, you know, anything like that.

And, and so she came back and she's like, you know, I need a whiteboard, I just need a really big whiteboard. And I said, okay, I'll work on that. And I went and sat down because our budget was nothing. I was trying to get us out of the red. And I was like, oh Lord, this is, you know, what am I doing? Five minutes later, my husband calls me and from his office and he said, Hey, I know this is weird, but do you need a whiteboard?

He said, somebody just destroying their office, the remodeling. And there's this huge whiteboard down there. And he goes, I hated to see it in the dumpster. I just thought, oh God, you're showing off.

Martha: Yeah. I just, I just got goosebumps because you know, that is when you, when you really recognize that it was a direct answer to prayer.

Um, in a moment when you were like, you know, I want to do this, but I don't have a budget yet. And God shows up God kind of showed off in fact, in that way, because if he had called before the conversation, you know, I mean, it still is. It's a, still a God provision, but just. Those kinds of things, you know, when we, as, um, I want to just talk to the listeners for a minute, cause that's one of the things that, you know, so often.

It's those little things that we think we just need to handle ourselves and forget about involving the creator of the universe into that conversation. I've been really hearing a lot lately about, um, you know, God's helper, holy spirit. It was given to us as our helper. Jesus, the only reason he had to leave the earth was so that we could have the holy spirit.

To go with each and every one of us. And that was a moment where you, um, acknowledged that. And then he provided in such an amazing way. And what an example to then your employee. When we come back, I want to dig into this a little bit deeper and talk about unconventional business with. We'll be right back.

You're listening to, sheWorks4Him with my guest today, Kimberly Wright. Did you know that God has a calling on your life? It's true. He's called you to bring Jesus to the world. For some that may look like a pulpit or a foreign mission field, but for most of us, it looks like a construction site, a cubicle, a hospital, or a classroom, wherever it is that you work with volunteering and best that is your mission field.

To learn more about integrating your faith into your work in retirement. Check out our. I worked for him. sheWorks4Him and I retire for him. I going to, I work for him.com/bookstore. Welcome back to, sheWorks4Him. I am your host, Martha Brangenberg, and my guest today. Kimberly Wright is the new executive director for unconventional business women.

And Kimberly, you were just sharing a really practical life example in one of your jobs. There was a need by an employee. She voiced it. You prayed about it. Five minutes later, it was answered by a random call from your husband that God provided. Um, I just want to take that one step further. What did you communicate back to the employee?

Because I really think that that's where our testimony can become, um, you know, that's where it can expand and go beyond. So what did that look like after God showed you his answer?

Kimberly Wright: You know, it was really neat because I went back to her and I. And, and I think honestly, a part of her was asking with the expectation.

I'm not going to get this, you know, because I think she had asked in the past and it hadn't, you know, come to fruition for her. And so it was just kind of one of those. I really need it, but I feel like I'm not going to get it. So it was exciting to go back to her and tell her, you know, what God cares about every detail and, um, even, even whiteboards.

And so. Uh, you know, just a great testimony for me to get to share her and also honestly, to my husband to get to tell him, okay, God just used you in a big way. Yeah. If

Martha: he wouldn't have, if he wouldn't have cared or taken that extra moment, you know, then that, that prayer might have not had the same, um, results.

So what a great example, and I just want to encourage. Everyone listening right now on our website, I work for him.com, which is the, sheWorks4Him.com website as well. We have a thing where you can join the, I work for him nation. And one of the things we talk about is praying for your coworkers and employees every day.

And with that comes praying for them, their needs, their requests. And then praying with them. So when that opportunity arises to actually say, you know, what can I pray with you about that need? And let's see what God does. So that is just a, uh, a great reminder that every day in our lives, we can incorporate that into the work that we're doing because in our hearts, we may be already doing it, but verbalizing it with that.

So as I was joking earlier, you've worn a lot of hats in your work. And before we put on your executive director hat for unconventional business women, I want to look back to when you were first, just an attendee of maybe an unconventional business event. And I guess for our listeners who may not know what unconventional.

Even is why don't you give us a brief little overview of what that organization is and how it's meeting the needs of workers?

Kimberly Wright: Absolutely. Well, first of all, it's very exciting because we are celebrating, this is our 20 year anniversary. And so that's really a monument of a testimony to what God has done.

And Rick Box's faithfulness, um, to follow God with this organization. But the, the purpose of our ministry is to serve, uh, equip and encourage, uh, small Christian business owners and business leaders. How to live out their faith at work in a practical way. You know, sometimes it's, it's conceptually, it makes sense, but, okay, how can I actually do this?

What are some tangible things? So we bring in event hold events that we bring in speakers. Give ideas and testimonies. We have a monthly webinar that Rick interview someone and does the same type of, you know, shares the same type of message. So we want to equip them, um, to really know how to apply the Bible as the business handbook.

Martha: So as a participant, then you were first invited to one of those events, right? Is that, that was your first exposure.

Kimberly Wright: It was well, actually my first exposure was even on a smaller scale. Um, as we had talked about Kathy box Rick's wife founded U B w a in 2018. So it hasn't been around for 20 years. Um, but she saw the need for bringing women to community together.

And so she had a dinner event, um, in 2019 that was, you know, a more intimate affair. There was about 60, 75 ladies there. We had dinner, fellowship and a speaker. And the timing of that was just definitely, um, God ordained steps for me to even get there. I'd never heard of the organization. A friend invited me that she knew very little and that's really was my first exposure, but it was so powerful and impactful hearing the speaker, talk about how God was using her.

She was a franchise owner and the things that God was doing through her business and how she was using as a ministry and. It made my heart leap. Um, it was very exciting for me.

Martha: So as you became more involved as a participant, what kinds of things did God grow in you? Or how were you being challenged as a, as an attendee or a participant?

Kimberly Wright: You know, I really started solidifying, you know, we think sometimes, or have the idea that, uh, being in ministry is working within the church walls. And, you know, even with the ministry of the foster care system, that I, you know, when I was working in that, that was still a ministry type thing. And so this really started teaching me and showing me that you can be a financial planner, you can be an accountant, you can be an attorney.

You can, you know, be a fitness trainer and have a ministry that wherever we go, that's our ministry. And UBN was really, um, significant and teaching me that and, and showing them. You know, are the best ministry. Isn't always within the four walls of church.

Martha: So one of the things that, you know, might at this point for listeners who have not heard of this before, there might be some confusion because there's unconventional business and then there's unconventional business women.

So unconventional business co-ed atmosphere, you know, you're there with a lot of other people out in their different occupations come together for different meetings of different kinds. And they can, um, before I even. Flatter all the opportunities where let's just tell everybody where they can go and learn about that.

As what website would they go to?

Kimberly Wright: It's unconventional business.org.

Martha: Okay. So our website, unconventional business.org to go learn about all the different aspects, but then there's this newer kind of branch unconventional business women. What, what would you say, why is there such a need for that women aspect from your perspective?

Kimberly Wright: You know, you, you touched on it a little bit earlier that, you know, God gifted men and women differently and also gave us different needs. Um, and in the workplace, even men face different challenges than women face. Um, sometimes they have the same goals and same career aspirations, but the corporate ladder or whatever it is, they're in, it looks differently climbing it for each one.

And so there is a need for women to come together in community and to have someone to connect with it will understand that's like-minded and, um, you know, figure out how to juggle, you know, is it okay to have these ambitious goals and to love Jesus and, you know, can those go together? How do I juggle my family and my desire to be successful?

And so we need each other for that. I

Martha: love the model because I am one of those people that I love to be in a room with men and women, because there's so much. There's such a wealth of knowledge and whether you're, you know, whatever concept you're talking about or whatever the need is or whatever, the, the topic that maybe you're growing in, there's so much to gain from everyone.

But yet then now having this aspect of just the women where you can focus in on. Those other needs that are not, uh, cannot be addressed in a co-ed situation. Um, you're really filling both and it's not either, or right. I mean, it's not, it's not one or the other. It's both. And I love how you guys are modeling.

For, um, just the workplace in general. So Kimberly Wright. I have so many more questions I want to ask you, but we're going to take a quick break. And when we come back, I just want to dig into a few more things you're listening to. sheWorks4Him, podcasts with your coach, with your host, Martha Brangenberg,

I'll be right back.

Hey listeners.

One of the huge projects Martha and I have been working on for years is making it easy for every workplace believer to find all the voices, speaking, encouragement, and equipping into the faith and work. Presenting the Awaken podcast network online@Awakenpodcastnetwork.com with over 130 different podcast.

Voices speaking truth into you. The workplace believer, including over 30 podcasts, dedicated to Christian working women. Go online to awaken podcast, network.com that's Awaken podcast, network.com.

Welcome back to. I am having a great conversation today with Kimberly Wright. She is the new executive director for unconventional business women.

And we were just talking in the last segment about how unconventional business was created as unconventional business network, I believe, right. Or pride that org is the website. Was created for men and women coming together, learning, having, um, different meetings, whether they're monthly or quarterly to, to learn about different ways of connecting our faith and our work and having that integrity in that network together.

But then this unconventional business women aspect, kind of a, like you can pull the women out for a special. Um, time together where we're dealing with issues just for women, but it's not either, or it's not, you can only be in this or you can only be in this and you can only, you know, it's not just for men.

Um, if that is for everyone. And I think that where I want to go with this conversation, Kimberly, is that talk to the women who struggle with even justifying spending time. With something like unconventional business women, because I know that a lot of us, you know, there's a lot of talk around self care and, um, doing things to grow and to strengthen whatever it is that we're wanting to work on in our lives.

But sometimes we don't give ourselves permission to spend the time. What might feel selfish or whatever that may be. So just talk to me for a minute about that. Why do we struggle to sometimes get involved in things like unconventional business women and how can we get over that?

Kimberly Wright: Yeah. I love that you use that term permission because sometimes I feel, I struggle with that myself.

I just need somebody to, you know, give me some permission to, to do that. I led Bible studies for many years in the church. And I would often leave the same one in the morning and then also at the evenings. And so the professional women tended to be the ones in the evenings that would come and over and over for years, I would hear these women talk about, they just felt, they felt lonely.

They felt lonely in their church. They missed out is the way they viewed it on everything going on during the day. They didn't always have the time to serve in the same capacity as you know, a mom that had more flexibility or stayed at home. And so they just were lonely and missing out on community. Um, just of any sorts.

And so I love that UBW can be that place for them, that they feel like they have some like-minded women that they're not judged for any of their goals or dreams, because I think that's kind of a struggle sometimes whether it's self perception or it's actually something they've encountered, you know, that can hold women back.

Um, I think another thing, and I raise my hand first of being so guilty of this, but I think that we tend to sometimes compare ourselves very quickly to someone, even if in, in any setting of, we can feel really good about what we've accomplished. And then we meet some mom that is more successful and our kids are, you know, their clothes are ironed or we just kind of compare ourselves.

So it causes us to drop. Um, and so I think that's a, that's a big barrier for women is we just compare ourselves and it it's just steals our joy. It steals our peace and it stills, um, our ability to obey God and to follow him even more boldly.

Martha: Hmm. So many good words there that we all need to hear. And there's probably somebody right now that they're like that is, you know, that's the thing I'm struggling with, where there is comparison or guilt or just being alone.

Um, but ladies, I want to encourage you, whether it's unconventional business women or some other organization that you have locally, or that you can find online, which we have a whole list of resources on our website, sheWorks4Him.com. Um, I encourage you to take the time. Give yourself permission to get involved and allow yourself to find it.

Maybe you call it your tribe or your people, you know, that place where you can go and it gets some accountability and some challenge and, and really bear some fruit for your S your own community that you can take back there. So I, you know, giving, getting permission is a huge thing. So Kimberly one last thing before we go today, I just want to hear what's the Lord been teaching you, whether it's in your new role as executive director or in, um, something of your own experience that God is teaching you right now that we can learn from?

Kimberly Wright: You know, I, um, I'm really struggling with, I love work. I love my job and I'm really struggling though with that time, um, boundaries. Type thing. And so I've been reading, I've listened to it. Um, I'm an audible junkie and then I also love to read. And so I, um, have listened to it. Now I'm reading it redeeming your time by Jordan Reiner.

He is going to be one of our speakers coming up and he's such a delight to even talk to you, but his books really, really speak to me. Um, so that's one of the things that has been very helpful for me is learning that we can honor God with our time without. Overdoing. And then using all 24 hours that, you know, we need rest.

Um, God

Martha: has a plan for that and he's really laid it out if we open our eyes in the scripture to what he's really telling us. So thank you for sharing that. And yes, you guys have an event coming up where Jordan's actually going to be involved in. So I'm excited about that. So listeners, you can find out more on unconventional.

That org and Kimberly, thank you so much for being my guest today. And sheWorks4Him and sharing just a little of your heart with our audience.

Kimberly Wright: Thank you. This has been my honor. I really appreciate it. Thank

Martha: you. It's wonderful. So you've been listening to, sheWorks4Him with your host, Martha Brown.

We're Christian working women, helping other Christian working women to live out their calling network. As sheWorks4Him as Christian women, we have many roles from daughter, sister, friend, wife, and mother to analyst, accountant, executive or educator. Is it possible to balance our roles at work and home in a way that honors God?

The answer is. And our new book, sheWorks4Him will help show you how written to celebrate, encourage and equip women in the workforce. sheWorks4Him, discusses the diverse experiences of today's Christian working woman. Pick up a copy by going to, I work for him.com/bookstore. You've been listening to the, sheWorks4Him podcast with your host, Catherine Gates, Nadia Dickson, and Martha Brangenberg.

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Martha Brangenberg