What Do I Want to Be Known For?

What will people say about you when you’re gone? Join us to hear from Dayspring executive Stephen Bos about how your personal brand can impact your ability to live out your faith at work. Straight from the company’s headquarters in Arkansas.

Early on in his business career, Stephen viewed faith and work (aka money and Christian ministry) as an “either or” rather than a “both and.” But God changed his heart through discipleship – revealing that faith and work are not only compatible but inseparable!

So how exactly do you bring your faith into your workplace? One way is through intentionally creating a personal brand!

Dayspring believes in the use of “brand pillars” – attributes that when someone interacts with their company, they walk away with a certain set of impressions. Stephen believes that brand pillars can be used in all areas of life – including your personal brand.

Sounds cool… but what exactly IS a personal brand? Well, it’s what you bring to the table wherever you are and with whoever you interact with. It is what someone would say about you at you’re funeral or after meeting you for the first time.

Take a moment today and ask yourself, when people interact with you, what do they come away thinking and feeling? Are you a person of stability? Of excellence? Of grace? Of intentionality? Do you have the qualities a good leader should have? Do you find purpose in work? Are you a positive cultural influence?

Featured Guest: Stephen Bos

Workplace / Ministry: DaySpring