GPS Life Journey

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Almost all of us use one when we need to find out how to get from here to there, from home to a vacation destination, from a friend’s house to your favorite coffee shop in the next town over.  We all use a GPS to find our way which in most cases involves coordination with a map app on our phone. No one uses a paper map when they have a GPS and a cell phone around. So, what do we do when we need help navigating life. Navigating around the challenges we face, the obstacles in our way and the sin in our life. Where do we turn? We turn to the Words of God in the Bible. He speaks Truth and it guides us. If you are like me, you may need a guide along the way and that is why Martha and I have invited Nolen Rollins to join us today on iWork4Him. Nolen has written a study called GPS Life Journey This is a resource we all can use as we navigate living out our Faith at Work.

Nolen Rollins was blessed to be raised in a Christian home and decide to follow Jesus at age 9.  He is grateful that by the grace of God he did not rebel as a teenager.  After spending 30+ years as an Executive Pastor of several mega churches he found himself sitting on the stage of a church looking out into the congregation and seeing many retired CEO’s that weren’t living in their greatest potential.  Living in SW Florida Nolen was in the center of an area with possibly the most retired CEO’s in the country and they were being used in the church to direct traffic.  Now, there’s nothing wrong with directing traffic, it’s just that they may have greater potential. 

Nolen ended up developing to help others discover their purpose.  They have had participants now in over 25 countries and more than 12,000 people, from ages 13 – 89 years old.  Nolen’s own purpose is to help others discover their purpose, so he is most fulfilled leading these classes.  GPS actually stands for Gods Plan for Significance.  When we discover this plan for significance we are energized to live in that purpose. 

Nolen says that most people actually stay in their profession when they discover their purpose as often God is going to give you your purpose in the context of your normal life.  You don’t need to leave your professional career and go to seminary to fulfill your purpose, unless God reveals that as your purpose.  You can live life to the fullest when you know you are making a difference.

GPS Life Journey can be done virtually or in person.  Check out their website for more details at

Featured Guests: Nolen Rollins

Ministry/Workplace: GPS Life Journey

YouTube Video Interview