iRetire4Him Show #89 - #1 of 3-Part Series: Future Retirement Reality: Complex

Mid-Segment Special Guest: Rob & Connie Albright

Ministry: Camp Bethel | Wise, VA

YouTube Video

#1 of 3-Part Series: In retirement, there are 3 main areas of complexity: finances, health, relationships. In this episode, Bruce Bruinsma of the Retirement Reformation shares examples of complexities in his own life. Where’s the first place we should start when we need to navigate through complex situations? Culture might be telling you one thing, but the Bible might be telling you another.

This show also brings up topics from various past iRetire4Him Podcast series, so it’s a great way to see how the information can be pieced together to form a more complete idea of the reality of retirement.

And don’t forget about the second segment: Rob and Connie Albright are a delightful couple who had “retired,” BUT God has called them to revitalize a Christian camp. Their story is a shining example of “unlocking God’s purpose for your retirement.” Would you let God lead you to something completely new and different during your retirement years?

Tune in for truth, wisdom, and even a few laughs!