Nineveh: The Day Before Jonah Shows Up

Last night I woke up just after midnight with the word “Nineveh” impressed on my mind. God reminded me of the story of Jonah found in the Old Testament of the Bible.  The night before Jonah arrived at Nineveh, it was a place much like America today, with wickedness running rampant. In Jonah Chapter 3, Jonah is called once again to the great city of Nineveh to let them know that if they didn’t repent, in 40 days they would be destroyed. Now understand, Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire, a growing world power but it was a wicked place. God had issued a destruction proclamation on the city because the wickedness had risen to a level that could not be tolerated any longer on planet Earth. Jonah takes 3 days to walk around the city telling people to repent.   They believed him and from their highest ruler to the last person in the city, they all repented, threw on sackcloth and ashes, and prayed that God would spare them, which He did. There was actually a shrine in Northern Iraq in Jonah’s name because of his work with the Assyrians.  God used one obedient human, Jonah, to save a city of 120,000 people.

Who is our Jonah of today? Who is going to preach to our country that we need to repent? I don’t know if there is just one person or if it is the army of 55 million believers in the marketplace that are called to do this job.  I believe we are all called to speak truth to those around us at work, in our homes, and neighborhoods.  We are surrounded by those who are lost and hopeless; those who are enslaved to a life of sin. We have each been sent to a unique place in our work and in our home. We spend our days next to humans that God loves and wants to call out of their sin and give them FREEDOM.

Your role in this is clear. Live a life so compelling, through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you, that those around you can’t keep from asking what is different about you. Jesus is the solution to all the worlds problems and He has sent you to deliver that message.

So, is it too late for our country or is it just like the night before Jonah arrived? I am praying for the latter.


About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!