Celebrate Covid-19

Perspective changes everything.  If you are reading this, you have much to celebrate. You have seen resiliency, innovation, and cooperation in our country and the world – that we had not seen since World War II.   Soon we will get back to our work space, and socializing.  We are ready to renew friendships face to face with coworkers and employees and friends at church.  It’s time to live but let’s remember to celebrate the valuable lessons we have learned in the last 10 weeks.

  1. We have learned that running a business, teaching, and running a daycare and home simultaneously is not for the faint of heart.

  2. We have learned that our kids don’t need constant activity to have fun.

  3. We have learned that dinner as a family is our most cherished meal.

  4. We have learned that we can live without shopping every day.

  5. We have learned that we can live without sports constantly on the TV.

  6. We have learned that a job you have is better than a job you wish you had.

  7. We have learned that the people that you work with have problems at home too (you’ve seen their kids on Zoom Video calls)

  8. We have learned the power of being flexible.

  9. We have learned to be neighborly, to minister where we live.

  10. We have learned that Dave Ramsey was right – we all need an emergency fund. (start working on that now)

  11. We have learned to never stop appreciating…_______________________(you fill in the blank)

  12. Above all, we have learned that when the trappings of life are stripped away, our FAITH is the ONLY solid rock to stand on.

As life returns to normal, whatever that means, celebrate what you have learned. Don’t forget to love the ones you have spent more time with in the last 10 weeks than the last 10 years. Don’t forget that the job that you hold and the work that you do is a gift from God. He has a call on your life and you are needed. IF you lost your job during this time, He knows that and He will provide.

We live in a world that is lost and hopeless. Bring hope with you back to your workplace and share your Jesus story of HOPE with those you have missed.

Celebrate the lessons and expect great things in the second half of 2020.


Proverbs 4:5-7 (NLT)

For more ideas on slowing down::  listen to this recent episode of iWork4Him

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!