Cup Half-Full

It always amazes me how two people can experience the same situation and see things so differently.  Take, for instance, the recent weather we had in Florida.  I was grateful for the rain to fill our pond, but I know others were upset because the storm interfered with their outdoor plans.  That same storm can improve business for the screen repair company and grocery stores while hurting business for the landscaper or outdoor sporting event.

In our house, Jim and I often talk about the cup being half-full or half-empty.  I am naturally wired to look at life through the cup half-full lens, but even that has been a struggle this year. 

Amid the adversity, I’ve recently noticed that more people are talking about the good that has come from this season.  Many people have lost their jobs and have been forced to find a new way to earn a living.  They may have never chosen to leave their career, but it allowed them to try something new, start the business they’ve always wanted to start, or maybe quit working so much and spend more time with family. 

Many of you have started working and schooling from home.  While this has been disruptive and challenging, it has also eliminated commuting hours.  This new free time is being used for morning devotions, table games, hobbies, home improvement, family time, and rest.

We have a choice to make about our perspective for 2020.  We can wish it away so we can start 2021, OR we can use the opportunity for change to take us from who we are to who God can use more effectively. 

Proverbs 10:5 “Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son you will be.  But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity!”

What opportunities has God placed in front of you that you can pursue?  I encourage you to pray about your perspective.  Ask God to give you a cup half-full outlook on 2020, and maybe you’ll even get to the point where you can say, “My cup runneth over!”.

About the Author, Martha Brangenberg

Born into an entrepreneurial family, Martha has been involved in small business her entire life. Gifted with an attention to detail and a sweet sensitive spirit, Martha is a servant leader with a deep faith in Jesus.