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Spring and New Life

There is nothing like the smell of Spring in the air.

It brings hope of new beginnings and fresh starts. Trees and plants that looked dead all winter come back to life in full fashion. They dress in their summer splendor for all to see. 

Spring is also a reminder of what life is like before and after the impact of Jesus. 

Before Jesus, we looked dead on the outside but inside we had all the potential to live, if we put our faith in the life giver. Once we put our faith in Jesus, the gardener of our souls, we are like a plant that comes alive in Spring.  New life in Jesus is the breath of fresh air, the cup of cool water that we so desperately need. Remember your spiritual rebirth and share life with someone today.

To highlight new life in the Brangenberg world, on 3/15/17 Martha and I welcomed a new grandson, Noah Elias Brangenberg, born to our son Joshua and his incredible wife Amelia.

New life and Spring. God Bless you Noah to be a man of incredible impact on the kingdom.

John 10:10b

I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!