102: Intentionality, Focus, Service, & Advocacy

Mid-Segment Special Guest: Jon Hirst

Ministry: Generous Mind

YouTube Video

Part 3 in the 3-Part Retirement Reformation Manifesto Series

As we wrap up this series on the Retirement Reformation Manifesto, this episode reviews the final four principles and teaches us how we can put them together to represent the power of Jesus in our lives.

Intentionality and focus challenge the “American Dream” of retirement because they steer us toward Kingdom building activities and away from solely self-gratification. These two principles lead us to action steps like service and advocacy. Taking purpose-driven action contributes to our revitalization and shows the world that new opportunities exist, even during retirement.

Jon Hirst was someone who supported the idea of Retirement Reformation from the start, and he hops on in the second segment to talk with Jim and Bruce. Jon talks about the importance of putting all of the Manifesto principles together in Christ, not just looking at them separately. This helps each of us to grow and live out the Manifesto’s key verse, John 15:16: you’re chosen to bear fruit! At the end of the day, it’s about the balance of faithfulness and fruitfulness.

A couple of “action steps’ are coming soon through Retirement Reformation! You’ll be able to participate in a Legacy of Love (wraparound grandparenting) and intergenerational prayer ministry. Sign up to receive the bi-weekly iRetire4Him newsletter email, and we’ll make sure to announce when these ministries are ready for your involvement.
