Ep 2039: Be the Answer to the Foster Care Crisis

This second show on getting involved in foster care (check out the first show too) is so practical and inspiring! It challenges workplace believers and retirees alike to flip the foster care system on its head – in a good way. About 90% of foster parents quit within 2 years due to the overwhelming challenges. But you and your church can be the reason these families choose to keep fostering. 

Imagine a designated team bringing meals, chauffeuring kids, or providing childcare – a lifeline for foster families. This is an opportunity especially for retired folks who have the time and experience to lend a hand. Cindy shares stories and ideas that we pray will leave you answering the question: “What is my something that I can contribute?” 

Here are some simple ways to present care communities/wraparound grandparenting to your church:  

  • Take the general idea and examples to your church leaders; offer to be an advocate for foster support 

  • Send this episode link to your pastor and others who would be interested in helping out 

  • Find resources from Promise686, a training organization that Cindy mentions in the episode 

  • Connect with Cindy at cindy@keyfam.org, especially if you’re in PA

As supporters of the podcast, check out the Kingdom-minded businesses that iWork4Him has “adopted:” 

  • SaferNet : VPN, website filters, antivirus, and internet controls in one easy to use app 

  • Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative cell phone company. Make the switch today!  

  • ePaymints : payment processing with ease and with biblical principles  

Featuring: Cindy King

Ministry/ Workplace: Keystone Family Alliance

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