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Eden and John 10:10

What do the Garden of Eden and John 10:10 have in common, read on.  

I woke up early a few days ago with this very random but powerful thought on my mind. “Eden was about Sustenance”.  Weird. I don’t remember thinking about the Garden of Eden but when I woke up I was blow away by the reality of that statement. The Garden of Eden was not just a playful paradise but it was for nourishing the body, mind and soul. Physical and Spiritual Sustenance.  

God didn’t intend for Adam and Eve just to roam around and pick flowers and dance in the field with the animals.

God intended Eden to be incredible but He also created it to feed them both Physically and Spiritually.  Keep in mind the food was awesome but so were those afternoon walks with God. Adam and Eve had it all. Paradise and an intimacy with their creator that we can ONLY imagine.

Then John 10:10 comes into play:

John 10:10 (ESV) 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly

The enemy here is Satan.  The enemy couldn’t stand it that Man and Woman had an intimacy with God that he used to have but he destroyed.   So Satan set out to steal, kill, and destroy the paradise that Adam and Eve were experiencing.  The damage that was done that day has plagued us for over 6000 years. We still suffer from death and sin but..

Jesus said:

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly

What was Jesus referencing?  He was referring back to the way things were when Jesus and God created all things.

Jesus knew the paradise and abundance that Adam and Eve experienced and He died so that we can be restored to “LIFE”. 

How are you gaining your sustenance for life?  Are you living in the “Garden of Eden” getting sustained both Physically and Spiritually by God or are you living on your own strength?  God has bigger plans for you and how you view those plans impacts your workplace every day.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!