sheWorks4Him With Ellie Nieves | How Christian Career Women Rise

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It’s another exciting day here at iWork4Him as we welcome back the hosts of the new sheWorks4Him Podcast Martha Brangenberg, Catherine Gates, and Nadya Dickson.  The sheWorks4Him podcast will officially launch on Labor Day, but today we get to hear one of the first interviews with Catherine Gates, Martha Brangenberg and show guest Ellie Nieves. Ellie has been a past guest on iWork4Him and her background and testimony is inspiring. 

sheWorks4Him podcast is dedicated to empowering Christian working women to live out their calling at work so that the world knows sheWorks4Him.  Learn more about this show at with new content every week beginning August 16, 2021. Welcome to sheWorks4Him.

Ellie Nieves had many life goals, one of which was to be an elected official.  Through her work she was introduced to a Christ-follower that shared her faith, invited her to church and bible study.  This interested Ellie but she just didn’t have time to fit all this Christian stuff into her lifestyle.  A couple years later, Ellie revisited with this friend and was ready to commit her life to Jesus. 

As an attorney, Ellie incorporates her faith in many different ways.  She knows that prayer throughout her day is vital.  She also finds subtle ways through a pillow on her office chair with a prayer message to inviting co-workers to attend a bible study.  In addition to her day job Ellie has her “passion project”.  She gets up early each morning to spend several hours writing, podcasting, and building community for women to help them in their careers.  When the end of her work day rolls around, Ellie knows the power of turning off the gadgets and focusing on family. 

When asked about some key elements that keep her grounded, she acknowledges the importance of the Word and prayer.  Ellie is currently reading A Gentle & Quiet Spirit by Virginia Lefler.  Some might be surprised that a powerful attorney would be reading to learn about her role as a wife.  Ellie knows the importance of honoring her God given roles and never stops learning.  Check out Ellie’s special give away: How Christian Career Women Rise, also on Instagram and Facebook.

Featured Guests: Catherine Gates, Martha Brangenberg and show guest Ellie Nieves

Ministry/Workplace: sheWorks4Him & How Christian Career Women Rise

YouTube Video Interview

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